Ludek Matyska
Simon C. Lin
25/08/2020, 09:00
Kenichi Miura
25/08/2020, 09:50
Oral Presentation
The number of nodes/cores of the HPC systems has been increasing rapidly in recent years; some currently available systems are already equipped with more than one million cores. As the degree of parallelism in the system reaches this level, the performance of some of the traditional numerical algorithms need to be re-examined, due to a widening imbalance between the computational capability vs...
Eric YEN
25/08/2020, 11:00
Gang Chen
(Institute Of High Energy Physics)
25/08/2020, 11:15
Otgonsuvd Badrakh
(Researcher at Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences)
25/08/2020, 11:30
Masato Yamashita
(Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
25/08/2020, 11:30
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Oral Presentation
In recent years, research and development have been conducted on Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), a technology that directly connects the brain and machine using information obtained by measuring brain signals or giving stimulation to the brain.
BMI is expected to contribute not only to the medical field but also to various other fields. BMI technology can be divided into two types (input-type...
Suhaimi Napis
(Universiti Putra Malaysia)
25/08/2020, 11:45
Christian Voss
(DESY Hamburg)
25/08/2020, 12:00
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Oral Presentation
We are exploiting possible applications of artificial intelligence at
the German electron synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg, in particular in the
field of photon science. Our current focus is on the use of
convolutional neural networks applied to 2D and 3D image analysis for
life science.
We will present successful applied semantic segmentation of volumetric
3D synchrotron radiation...
Basuki Suhardiman
25/08/2020, 12:00
Chalee Vorakulpipat
25/08/2020, 12:15
25/08/2020, 12:30
Andrei Tsaregorodtsev
25/08/2020, 14:00
Virtual Reserach Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, … etc.)
Oral Presentation
The EGI Workload Manager Service (WMS) is based on the DIRAC Interware and is part of the EOSC-Hub Project service catalog. The service provides access to various computing resources of the EGI infrastructure to various scientific communities in Europe and in the world. Different kinds of computing resources can be connected to the Manager: HTC/grid resources, cloud resources or standalone...
David Kelsey
25/08/2020, 14:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
As most are fully aware, cybersecurity attacks are an ever-growing problem as larger parts of our lives take place on-line. Distributed digital infrastructures are no exception and action must be taken to both reduce the security risk and to handle security incidents when they inevitably happen. These activities are carried out by the various e-Infrastructures and in recent years a successful...
Michael Schuh
25/08/2020, 14:20
Virtual Reserach Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, … etc.)
Oral Presentation
Drawback of an authentication-based access control to storage or computing resources is the need to have a consistent identity namespace over all such resources, e.g., a program runs under a user ID and can read/write files belonging to that suer or group. For a distributed instance of storage and computing this means, that at all components the correct identities have to be mapped and...
Michiru Kaneda
(ICEPP, the University of Tokyo)
25/08/2020, 14:30
The ATLAS experiment is one of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It discovered the Higgs boson in 2012 and continues to investigate unsolved physics problems. The current total data amount of ATLAS is more than 200 PB. To manage and process the data, the LHC experiments use the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project, which is the collaboration of computing centers of 42...
David Crooks
, Mr
Liviu Valsan
25/08/2020, 14:30
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The information security threats currently faced by the research community are not only sophisticated, but also in many instances highly profitable for the actors involved. Evidence suggests that targeted organisations take on average more than six months to detect a cyber attack; the more sophisticated the attack, the more likely it is that it will pass undetected for longer.
In this...
Rongqiang Cao
(Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
25/08/2020, 14:40
Virtual Reserach Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, … etc.)
Oral Presentation
In recent years, many supercomputers and clusters have been deployed and provide massive High Performance Computing (HPC) resources for users. As a virtual cluster can provide similar efficiency of physical computing resource, many users choose virtual clusters to execute HPC jobs for satisfying different kinds of requirements. Due to the advantages of low resource occupation, fast execution...
Sven Gabriel
25/08/2020, 15:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Since the Stakkato Incident (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stakkato) in 2004, it is well understood that incidents can spread quickly over infrastructures with a shared user
community. With the advent of federated identity management, the likelihood of incidents "hopping" from one infrastructure to another has increased.
In 2004, the attacker took advantage of the fact that the security...
Xuebin Chi
(Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
25/08/2020, 15:00
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
In the past 20 years, being the national high-performance computing environment in China, CNGrid had shown a magnificent development from various angles: computing and storage capacity, number of software and user accounts, the supported projects and research papers, etc. As HPCs are widely used for accelerating the experiments and simulations of scientific researches, the main goal of CNGrid...
Masahiko Saito
(University of Tokyo)
25/08/2020, 16:00
After the Higgs boson discovery, the main interest in the elementary particle physics is the discovery of beyond the Standard Model. LHC, which is the most energetic collider in the world, continues to be the leading experiment in the energy frontier. While LHC does not increase the center of mass energy beyond 14 TeV over a few decades, the amount of collision data will be significantly...
Jouke Roorda
25/08/2020, 16:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The way we, in Research and Education, do identity federation - especially in
collaborations - diers from the `standard' use case that companies have. After
all, in contrary to one identity provider to many services, we want many sources
of identity linked to many services. For many years, SAML has successfully been
coerced into adapting to this model, but the times are changing, and...
Jule A. Ziegler
(Leibniz Supercomputing Centre)
25/08/2020, 16:20
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
In both higher Research and Education (R&E) as well as in research-/ e-infrastructures (in short: infrastructures), federated access and single sign-on by way of national federations (operated in most cases by NRENs) are used as a means to provide users access to a variety of services. Whereas in national federations institutional accounts (e.g. provided by an university) are typically used to...
Jason Smith
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
25/08/2020, 16:40
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The evolving mission of the Scientific Data & Computing Center (SDCC) at
BNL has grown to include support for nuclear physics (RHIC), high-energy
physics (ATLAS, Belle-II and DUNE) and Photon Sciences (NSLS-II and CFN)
among our major stakeholders. The diverse needs of the SDCC user community
have guided our efforts to integrate federated identity services within
our facility fabric and...
Elisabetta Ronchieri
25/08/2020, 17:00
The objective of this work is to assess various machine learning techniques in order to predict change proneness of software modules [1, 2] that are used in High Energy Physics (HEP) domain. This type of prediction determines the modules that have a higher probability of modification across the version of a software. Therefore, together with other software quality assessment tools, it can help...
Ian Collier
25/08/2020, 17:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Over the last two years the UK’s IRIS collaboration and IRIS 4x4 project has worked to deploy hardware and federating tools across the range of physics supported by STFC. Providing a coherent framework for accessing HTC, HPC and Open Stack cloud resources the IRIS IAM service provides federated access to resources based on the AARC blueprint architecture, removing friction for scientific...
Kohei Cho
(Tokai University)
26/08/2020, 09:40
Oral Presentation
On March 11, 2011, Great East Japan Earthquake struck Tohoku Region of Japan. Huge area in the northeast coast of Japan was seriously damages by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami. In late of the year, the author has set up a project for monitoring the recovery of the tsunami damaged area of Miyagi Prefecture by ground survey and satellite image data analysis. Environmental...
John White
26/08/2020, 11:00
Earth/Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Oral Presentation
EISCAT, originally the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association, was established in 1975 as a collaboration between Norway, Sweden, Finland, UK, Germany and France. The purpose was to develop an incoherent scatter radar for the Northern auroral zone. EISCAT has been operational since 1981 and has grown to a globally used research infrastructure. The present members are Norway,...
Kento Aida
(National Institute of Informatics)
26/08/2020, 11:00
David J. Bodenhamer
(Indiana University-Purdue University)
26/08/2020, 11:00
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Oral Presentation
In 2018, the Polis Center at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis joined with two other Indiana University centers in a partnership with the State of Indiana’s Management Performance Hub to link a wide array of governmental and non-profit data to address problems confronting the state. The Indiana Data Partnership (IDP) aims to establish an improved technology platform for...
Luca Tomassetti
(University of Ferrara and INFN)
, Prof.
Sebastiano Fabio Schifano
(University of Ferrara and INFN)
26/08/2020, 11:30
Earth/Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Oral Presentation
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model is an important tool for both research and operational forecast of meteorology, which can be used for various other purposes such as weather aviation, agriculture, air pollution modeling, etc... It faces the fundamental challenge of understanding how increasingly available computational power can improve the accuracy of modeling climate processes, and...
Kevin Kai-Wen Cheng
(Department of Interaction Design, National Taipei University of Technology)
, Dr
Ryan Sheng-Ming Wang
(Department of Interaction Design, National Taipei University of Technology)
26/08/2020, 11:30
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Oral Presentation
This paper presents the research results of applying service design for developing the user-centered smart city by the integration of spatial interaction data and generative adversarial network. Researches show that "smart cities are built on technology, focused on the outcome." It means that the foundation of a smart city depends on the technology used to build it; its main priority is to...
26/08/2020, 11:45
Otgonsuvd Badrakh
(Institute Mathematics and Digital Technology, MAS)
26/08/2020, 12:00
Earth/Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Oral Presentation
The capital city Ulaanbaatar is one of the most polluted city in the world. The government are looking for suited solution decreasing the air pollution, but it could not work out efficiency. Air pollution is contained from various components like particulate matter (PM) , gaseous pollutants like ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other organic...
Jouke Roorda
26/08/2020, 14:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
For years, EGI has run Security Service Challenges to assess and keep aware incident response teams within its community. Nikhef has, as part of this community, been tasked with the role of Red Team, developing anything and everything needed to systematically monitor properties related to the challenge. This means there is a need for a flexible software stack, enabling various payloads and...
26/08/2020, 14:20
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The key to advancing cloud infrastructure to the next level is eliminate network loss, including packet loss, throughput loss and latency loss. The main reason for loss is congestion, we will present the recent study result on eliminating congestion in data center network and the thoughts on deploying lossless network in future HEPS experiment will also be discussed.
William Strecker-Kellogg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
26/08/2020, 14:40
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The Scientific Data & Computing Center (SDCC) has a growing portfolio
of HPC resources in support of BNL research activities. These resources
include CPU-only and GPU-equipped clusters inter-connected with low-latency
network infrastructure. This presentation describes the provisioning of
HPC resources to HTC workloads at the SDCC, through workspaces managed by
JupyterHub, the integration...
Qingbao Hu
26/08/2020, 15:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
At IHEP Computing Center, there are thousands of nodes managed by the htcondor scheduler, with about 12,000 cores, and these nodes provide computing services for multiple experimental groups.
In the process of job scheduling, some work nodes will cause jobs abnormal due to some service exception. Under the traditional scheduling method, these abnormal nodes will continue to devour jobs, like...
Yining Zhao
(Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
26/08/2020, 16:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Distributed systems have grown larger and larger since this concept appears, and they soon evolve to environments that contain heterogeneous components playing different roles, e.g. data centers and computing units. CNGrid is a good example of a large distributed environment. It is composed of 19 HPC clusters contributed by many research institutes and universities throughout China. Computer...
Leticia Decker de Sousa
(Data Science and Computation, Università di Bologna (UNIBO))
26/08/2020, 16:30
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The efforts to ensure smooth operations of WLCG computing centers towards the HL-LHC challenges are crucial to support all the research communities in the next decades. In this context, the addition of automation and intelligence to the computing operations are a key factor to achieve a real-time response to problems and minimize the person-power needed to do so in the daily operations. In...
Zhongtian Liang
26/08/2020, 17:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The Institute of high energy physics is operating and launching many large science facilities in China, such as BEPCII in Beijing, CSNS in Guangdong and JUNO in Shenzhen. These large science facilities are facing many network security threats. How to detect and prevent these threats is becoming important.
Considering that the network traffic of large science facilities has obvious...
Frank Wuerthwein
27/08/2020, 11:30
The Open Science Grid operates a global Data Federation for all of Open Science. As of Fall 2019, this includes 6 data origins for a variety of scientific domains and communities, and 12 caches. The caches are deployed inside the network backbone, and at or near various endpoints, i.e. compute clusters. A combination of technologies, including CVMFS for file metadata and authentication, and...
Andrey Kiryanov
(NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
27/08/2020, 11:50
The evolution of the computing facilities and the way storage will be organized and consolidated will play a key role in how this possible shortage of resources will be addressed by the LHC experiments. The need for an effective distributed data storage has been identified as fundamental from the beginning of LHC, and this topic has became particularly vital in the light of the preparation for...
Patrick Fuhrmann
27/08/2020, 12:10
The ambition of the European HORIZON2020 project ExPaNDS (EOSC Photon and Neutron Data Services) is to enrich the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) with data management services and to coordinate activities to enable national Photon and Neutron (PaN) Research Infrastructure (RIs) to make the majority of their data ‘open’ following FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable,...
Hao Hu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
27/08/2020, 12:30
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) in Beijing is the first national light source of high-energy synchrotron radiation in China, and will be one of the world's brightest fourth-generation synchrotron radiation facilities.
Doubtless data are of crucial importance for the scientific discoveries made in the experiments at HEPS. According to the estimated data rates, we predict 30 PB raw...
Stephan Hachinger
(Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
27/08/2020, 14:00
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
The LEXIS project (Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society, H2020 GA 825532) provides a platform for optimized execution of Cloud-HPC workflows, reducing computation time and increasing energy efficiency. The system will rely on advanced, distributed orchestration solutions (Bull Ystia Orchestrator, based on TOSCA and Alien4Cloud technologies), the High-End Application Execution...
David Kelsey
27/08/2020, 14:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The use of IPv6 on the general internet continues to grow. Several Broadband/Mobile-phone companies, such as T-Mobile in the USA and BT/EE in the UK, now use IPv6-only networking with connectivity to the IPv4 legacy world enabled by the use of NAT64/DNS64/464XLAT. Large companies, such as Facebook, use IPv6-only networking within their internal networks, there being good management and...
Hiroyuki Koibuchi
(Graduate School of System and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba)
27/08/2020, 14:20
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Improving network performance is a key for grid computing system consisting of computational resources and data sources. There have been studies about network performance between them such as file transfer schedulers and network protocols. MPTCP is one of network protocols which has the potential to improve network performance. This protocol treats one TCP flow as one subflow and handles two...
Pablo Llopis Sanmillan
27/08/2020, 14:30
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
CERN IT department has been running two Linux based computing infrastructures in HTCondor and SLURM for many years. HTCondor resources are used for general purpose parallel but single-node type jobs, providing computing power to the CERN experiments and departments for tasks such as physics event reconstruction, data analysis and simulation. For HPC workloads that require multi-node parallel...
Bruno Hoeft
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
27/08/2020, 14:40
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
This talk explores the methods and results confirming the baseline assumption that LHCONE traffic is science traffic. The LHCONE (LHC Open Network Environment) is a network conceived to support globally distributed collaborative science. The LHCONE connects thousands of researchers to LHC data sets at hundreds of universities and labs performing analysis within the global collaboration. It is...
Haili XIAO
(Supercomputing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
27/08/2020, 15:00
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
GuangMu Cloud: An Example of Data-centric and Converging infrastructure
CASEarth is a strategic priority research program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), it’s designed to achieve substantial breakthroughs for Big Earth Data, which is an important subset of big data dealing with sciences of atmosphere, land, and oceans. CASEarth is becoming a new frontier...
Kenta Yamasawa
(Tsukuba University in Japan)
27/08/2020, 15:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Currently, inter-vehicle communication technology that allow cars to communicate with each other directly is being developed. With this technology established, automobiles will become one of the major infrastructures of society as communication terminals with several sensing abilities and also communication entities that constitutes their own network. In other words, car is no longer just a...
Michael Schuh
27/08/2020, 16:00
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
DESY provides significant storage and computing resources with more than 30PB of data about 50 000 cores to its users. It is one of the largest sites in the High-Energy computing Grid and provides the computing and storage infrastructure to the European XFEL as well as local experiments. As with such a the large user base, DESY's goal is to provide an easy and efficient access to the resources...
Steven Newhouse
, Dr
Susheel Varma
27/08/2020, 16:00
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
Currently, patient data is geographically dispersed, difficult to access, and often stored in siloed project-specific databases preventing large-scale data aggregation, standardisation, integration/harmonisation and advanced disease modelling. The ELIXIR Cloud and Authentication & Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) for Human Data Communities project aims to leverage a coordinated network of...
Alberto Masoni
(INFN National Institute of Nuclear Physics)
27/08/2020, 16:30
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
CAGLIARI 2020 is a 25 million euro project funded within the framework of the National Operational Program for Research and competitiveness of the Italian Ministry of Education University and Research.
The Project exploits the FAIR concept of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable data in the context of Smart Cities applications within a cloud computing approach. A relevant part...
Frank Wuerthwein
27/08/2020, 16:30
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
The NSF funded Pacific Research Platform Project operates a distributed compute environment including GPUs and FPGAs as accelerators that seamlessly extends into Google Cloud for use of TPUs as accelerators. It offers interactive access via Jupyter notebooks, and High Throughput Computing access via the Open Science Grid. The former tends to be the preferred platform for machine learning and...
Tommaso Diotalevi
(INFN and University of Bologna)
27/08/2020, 17:00
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
Machine and Deep Learning techniques experienced an explosion in the adoption in a variety of HEP applications, ranging from event selection to end-user physics data analysis, as well as computing metadata based optimizations.
The range of applicability of such techniques in the High Energy Physics (HEP) context – with a particular accent on experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at...
Lenka Svetlovská
27/08/2020, 17:00
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
Large-scale HTC infrastructures, such as the grid and cloud infrastructure operated by the European Grid Initiative (EGI), require a comprehensive accounting tool to keep track of resource use at different cooperating resource sites. Traditionally the accounting process has been strictly job-centric. Indeed, only running grid jobs were consuming resources. However, the emerging cloud computing...
Fabio Viola
28/08/2020, 09:00
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
Predictive maintenance is emerging as a new trend in research, due to its advantages compared to the alternative methodologies of corrective and preventive maintenance. The ability to predict faults and intervene before they occurs, allows saving money in a wide set of application domains, among which management of data centers. Savings are usually directly proportional to the size of the...
Riccardo Di Maria
28/08/2020, 09:30
The European-funded ESCAPE project will prototype a shared solution to computing challenges in the context of the European Open Science Cloud. It targets Astronomy and Particle Physics facilities and research infrastructures and focuses on developing solutions for handling Exabyte scale datasets.
The DIOS work package aims at delivering a Data Infrastructure for Open Science. Such an...
Hiroshi Yoshida
(National Institute of Informatics)
28/08/2020, 09:30
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
Currently major cloud providers provide cold storage services as a part of their public IaaS offerings, targeting users who need to store data with relatively low access frequency for long periods. The adoption of cold storage services should be considered in order to reduce the total cost of ownership and the labor of storage management of maintaining large amounts of scientific research data...
Daniele Cesini
28/08/2020, 10:00
The eXtreme-DataCloud project (XDC) is a software development initiative, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 framework program, aimed at developing and implementing data management scalable services. The project addresses high level topics like: policy driven data management based on storage Quality-of-Services, Data Life-cycle management, storage federations creation, smart...
Frank Wuerthwein
28/08/2020, 10:00
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
In Fall 2019, we performed the largest possible GPU burst across multiple commercial cloud providers, and all of their relevant regions. The goal of our NSF funded EAGER award (NSF OAC 1941481) was to achieve a scale of 80,000 V100 equivalent GPUs to process photon propagation simulations for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory for one hour, thus achieving fp32 Exaflop scale. Since then, we...
Daniele Cesini
, Prof.
Davide Salomoni
28/08/2020, 10:50
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
In the past year, INFN has been actively working on several projects that involve close collaborations between research and industry. In these collaborations, industries typically bring in complex use cases that involve data collection from heterogeneous sources, often originated by many distributed sensors, while INFN works together with them to define proper architectures to handle these use...
Patrick Fuhrmann
28/08/2020, 11:20
Optimization of computing resources, in particular storage, the costliest one, is a tremendous challenge for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) program. Several venues are being investigated to address the storage issues foreseen for HL-LHC. Our expectation is that savings can be achieved in two primary areas: optimization of the use of various storage types and reduction of the required...
Chris PANG
(Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore)
, Prof.
Kok Hong CHAN
(Nanyang Polytechnic)
28/08/2020, 11:20
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
This study explores Artificial Intelligence as a service (AI-aaS) from two perspectives. The first is to develop a system that can provide educational researchers and practitioners alike ready access to AI algorithms and services across an entire school. The second is to leverage, and then evaluate the use of AI-aaS to support AI-driven assessment, paying particular attention to its...
Kenyi Hurtado Anampa
(University of Notre Dame)
28/08/2020, 11:50
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities provide vast computational power and storage, but generally work on fixed environments designed to address the most common software needs locally, making it challenging for users to bring their own software. To overcome this issue, most HPC facilities have added support for HPC friendly container technologies such as Shifter, Singularity, or...
wei min Cheng
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Poster Presentation
Do you think to find a parking lot is hard for you? In Taipei, it is never easy! The government pays lots of budgets to build lots of parking lot and information systems, just to help us more easily to find a place to park. Once too many public parking lots in the market, it is not good for the market. The private parking lot will be closed due to the decrease in market demand, and the...
Haibo Li
Data Management & Big Data
Oral Presentation
The LHAASO(Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory) experiment of IHEP will generate 6 PB per year in the future. These massive data processing faces many challenges in the distributed computing environment. For example, some sites may have no local HEP storage which made the distributed computing unavailable. Our goal is to make the data available for LHAASO in any remote sites. In our...
Chia-Yu Wen
(National Taipei University of Technology)
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Poster Presentation
In recent years, no matter whether it is a business activity or an educational environment, everyone wants to bring the experience to the each field, let everyone experience it, and emphasize the interesting activities that can be found and seen. This study will explore how to extract expertise from different fields and integrate experience design with interactive art to make the viewer...
Can Wu
(Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Virtual Reserach Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, … etc.)
Poster Presentation
As the third paradigm of the scientific research, High Performance Computing is widely used in many fields such as computational chemistry, material science, large-scale molecular simulations, etc. High Performance Computing Environment, which aggregates many advanced world-class supercomputers, has received major interest from both academia and industry over the past several years and has...
Prattana Deeprasertkul
(Hydro - Informatics Institute (Public Organization), Bangkok, Thailand)
Data Management & Big Data
Oral Presentation
1. Why is the National Hydro Informatics and Climate Data Center or NHC?
2. Big Data, Data Analytics, and Data Science
3. BI-DSS system - Difference of Rainfall Forecasting Time Scales