Masato Yamashita
(Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
25/08/2020, 11:30
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Oral Presentation
In recent years, research and development have been conducted on Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), a technology that directly connects the brain and machine using information obtained by measuring brain signals or giving stimulation to the brain.
BMI is expected to contribute not only to the medical field but also to various other fields. BMI technology can be divided into two types (input-type...
Christian Voss
(DESY Hamburg)
25/08/2020, 12:00
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Oral Presentation
We are exploiting possible applications of artificial intelligence at
the German electron synchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg, in particular in the
field of photon science. Our current focus is on the use of
convolutional neural networks applied to 2D and 3D image analysis for
life science.
We will present successful applied semantic segmentation of volumetric
3D synchrotron radiation...