- Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY/
Andrei Tsaregorodtsev
25/08/2020, 14:00
Virtual Reserach Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, … etc.)
Oral Presentation
The EGI Workload Manager Service (WMS) is based on the DIRAC Interware and is part of the EOSC-Hub Project service catalog. The service provides access to various computing resources of the EGI infrastructure to various scientific communities in Europe and in the world. Different kinds of computing resources can be connected to the Manager: HTC/grid resources, cloud resources or standalone...
Michael Schuh
25/08/2020, 14:20
Virtual Reserach Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, … etc.)
Oral Presentation
Drawback of an authentication-based access control to storage or computing resources is the need to have a consistent identity namespace over all such resources, e.g., a program runs under a user ID and can read/write files belonging to that suer or group. For a distributed instance of storage and computing this means, that at all components the correct identities have to be mapped and...
Rongqiang Cao
(Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
25/08/2020, 14:40
Virtual Reserach Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, … etc.)
Oral Presentation
In recent years, many supercomputers and clusters have been deployed and provide massive High Performance Computing (HPC) resources for users. As a virtual cluster can provide similar efficiency of physical computing resource, many users choose virtual clusters to execute HPC jobs for satisfying different kinds of requirements. Due to the advantages of low resource occupation, fast execution...
Xuebin Chi
(Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
25/08/2020, 15:00
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
In the past 20 years, being the national high-performance computing environment in China, CNGrid had shown a magnificent development from various angles: computing and storage capacity, number of software and user accounts, the supported projects and research papers, etc. As HPCs are widely used for accelerating the experiments and simulations of scientific researches, the main goal of CNGrid...