Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Session: I
- David Groep (Nikhef)
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Session: II
- David Kelsey (STFC-RAL)
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Session: III
- Kento Aida (National Institute of Informatics)
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Session: IV
- There are no conveners in this block
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Session: V
- There are no conveners in this block
David Kelsey
25/08/2020, 14:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
As most are fully aware, cybersecurity attacks are an ever-growing problem as larger parts of our lives take place on-line. Distributed digital infrastructures are no exception and action must be taken to both reduce the security risk and to handle security incidents when they inevitably happen. These activities are carried out by the various e-Infrastructures and in recent years a successful...
David Crooks
, Mr
Liviu Valsan
25/08/2020, 14:30
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The information security threats currently faced by the research community are not only sophisticated, but also in many instances highly profitable for the actors involved. Evidence suggests that targeted organisations take on average more than six months to detect a cyber attack; the more sophisticated the attack, the more likely it is that it will pass undetected for longer.
In this...
Sven Gabriel
25/08/2020, 15:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Since the Stakkato Incident ( in 2004, it is well understood that incidents can spread quickly over infrastructures with a shared user
community. With the advent of federated identity management, the likelihood of incidents "hopping" from one infrastructure to another has increased.
In 2004, the attacker took advantage of the fact that the security...
Jouke Roorda
25/08/2020, 16:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The way we, in Research and Education, do identity federation - especially in
collaborations - diers from the `standard' use case that companies have. After
all, in contrary to one identity provider to many services, we want many sources
of identity linked to many services. For many years, SAML has successfully been
coerced into adapting to this model, but the times are changing, and...
Jule A. Ziegler
(Leibniz Supercomputing Centre)
25/08/2020, 16:20
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
In both higher Research and Education (R&E) as well as in research-/ e-infrastructures (in short: infrastructures), federated access and single sign-on by way of national federations (operated in most cases by NRENs) are used as a means to provide users access to a variety of services. Whereas in national federations institutional accounts (e.g. provided by an university) are typically used to...
Jason Smith
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
25/08/2020, 16:40
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The evolving mission of the Scientific Data & Computing Center (SDCC) at
BNL has grown to include support for nuclear physics (RHIC), high-energy
physics (ATLAS, Belle-II and DUNE) and Photon Sciences (NSLS-II and CFN)
among our major stakeholders. The diverse needs of the SDCC user community
have guided our efforts to integrate federated identity services within
our facility fabric and...
Ian Collier
25/08/2020, 17:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Over the last two years the UK’s IRIS collaboration and IRIS 4x4 project has worked to deploy hardware and federating tools across the range of physics supported by STFC. Providing a coherent framework for accessing HTC, HPC and Open Stack cloud resources the IRIS IAM service provides federated access to resources based on the AARC blueprint architecture, removing friction for scientific...
Jouke Roorda
26/08/2020, 14:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
For years, EGI has run Security Service Challenges to assess and keep aware incident response teams within its community. Nikhef has, as part of this community, been tasked with the role of Red Team, developing anything and everything needed to systematically monitor properties related to the challenge. This means there is a need for a flexible software stack, enabling various payloads and...
26/08/2020, 14:20
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The key to advancing cloud infrastructure to the next level is eliminate network loss, including packet loss, throughput loss and latency loss. The main reason for loss is congestion, we will present the recent study result on eliminating congestion in data center network and the thoughts on deploying lossless network in future HEPS experiment will also be discussed.
William Strecker-Kellogg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
26/08/2020, 14:40
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The Scientific Data & Computing Center (SDCC) has a growing portfolio
of HPC resources in support of BNL research activities. These resources
include CPU-only and GPU-equipped clusters inter-connected with low-latency
network infrastructure. This presentation describes the provisioning of
HPC resources to HTC workloads at the SDCC, through workspaces managed by
JupyterHub, the integration...
Qingbao Hu
26/08/2020, 15:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
At IHEP Computing Center, there are thousands of nodes managed by the htcondor scheduler, with about 12,000 cores, and these nodes provide computing services for multiple experimental groups.
In the process of job scheduling, some work nodes will cause jobs abnormal due to some service exception. Under the traditional scheduling method, these abnormal nodes will continue to devour jobs, like...
Yining Zhao
(Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
26/08/2020, 16:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Distributed systems have grown larger and larger since this concept appears, and they soon evolve to environments that contain heterogeneous components playing different roles, e.g. data centers and computing units. CNGrid is a good example of a large distributed environment. It is composed of 19 HPC clusters contributed by many research institutes and universities throughout China. Computer...
Leticia Decker de Sousa
(Data Science and Computation, Università di Bologna (UNIBO))
26/08/2020, 16:30
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The efforts to ensure smooth operations of WLCG computing centers towards the HL-LHC challenges are crucial to support all the research communities in the next decades. In this context, the addition of automation and intelligence to the computing operations are a key factor to achieve a real-time response to problems and minimize the person-power needed to do so in the daily operations. In...
Zhongtian Liang
26/08/2020, 17:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The Institute of high energy physics is operating and launching many large science facilities in China, such as BEPCII in Beijing, CSNS in Guangdong and JUNO in Shenzhen. These large science facilities are facing many network security threats. How to detect and prevent these threats is becoming important.
Considering that the network traffic of large science facilities has obvious...
David Kelsey
27/08/2020, 14:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The use of IPv6 on the general internet continues to grow. Several Broadband/Mobile-phone companies, such as T-Mobile in the USA and BT/EE in the UK, now use IPv6-only networking with connectivity to the IPv4 legacy world enabled by the use of NAT64/DNS64/464XLAT. Large companies, such as Facebook, use IPv6-only networking within their internal networks, there being good management and...
Hiroyuki Koibuchi
(Graduate School of System and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba)
27/08/2020, 14:20
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Improving network performance is a key for grid computing system consisting of computational resources and data sources. There have been studies about network performance between them such as file transfer schedulers and network protocols. MPTCP is one of network protocols which has the potential to improve network performance. This protocol treats one TCP flow as one subflow and handles two...
Bruno Hoeft
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
27/08/2020, 14:40
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
This talk explores the methods and results confirming the baseline assumption that LHCONE traffic is science traffic. The LHCONE (LHC Open Network Environment) is a network conceived to support globally distributed collaborative science. The LHCONE connects thousands of researchers to LHC data sets at hundreds of universities and labs performing analysis within the global collaboration. It is...
Kenta Yamasawa
(Tsukuba University in Japan)
27/08/2020, 15:00
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Currently, inter-vehicle communication technology that allow cars to communicate with each other directly is being developed. With this technology established, automobiles will become one of the major infrastructures of society as communication terminals with several sensing abilities and also communication entities that constitutes their own network. In other words, car is no longer just a...