Jiri Chudoba
(Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague)
One of the difficulties with administration and operation of grid Storage Elements is a relatively large number of protocols used for communication with the SE and for data transfers. A long term activity leading towards reduction of used protocols is reflected by a recent version of DPM storage, which is one of the most widely used in WLCG. Three protocols are now used for data transfers: gridftp, http and xrootd. The SRM protocol, which is used for negotiation of transfer parameters, can be avoided in case where all data are online, i.e. stored on disks, which is the case for DPM instances, because DPM does not support a tape backend. The current DPM version 1.11 with enabled DOME component still supports SRM, but only in legacy mode; and developers announced end of SRM support in 2019. Several activities were started to test third party transfers using only http or xrootd protocol. We report our experience of one of the first relatively big Tier-2 site using DPM 1.10 (and later 1.11) version with DOME enabled. The test installation on a smaller site with lower traffic were not able to uncover several issues visible in the production environment where several TB of data are transferred every day.
Primary author
Jiri Chudoba
(Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague)