Soundscape Conference: Keynote Session
- Yu TSAO (Academia Sinica)
Soundscape Conference: Application of Soundscape Ecology Session I
- Tzu-Hao Lin (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
Soundscape Conference: Open Data & Information Retrieval
- Simon C. Lin (ASGC)
Soundscape Conference: Asian Soundscape Network Session I
- Joe Chun-Chia Huang ()
Soundscape Conference: Application of Soundscape Ecology Session II
- Mao-Ning Tuanmu (Academia Sinica)
Soundscape Conference: Asian Soundscape Network II
- Yu-Huang Wang ()
Soundscape Conference: Project Meeting
- Simon C. Lin (ASGC)
Bryan Pijanowski
(University of Purdue)
01/04/2019, 09:00
Oral Presentation
Sound is a universal measure of change and is one of the most emotional senses humans possess. How can we take advantage of these two fundamental notions to help improve ecological and social well-being of this planet? I address this question with a summary of my vision for how the paradigm of soundscape ecology is uniquely positioned to advance the critical understanding of our changing...
Mao-Ning Tuanmu
(Academia Sinica)
01/04/2019, 09:45
Oral Presentation
Loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services is one of the major challenges facing humanity. Monitoring biodiversity status and trends across spatial and temporal scales is necessary to mitigate impacts of human-induced environmental changes and secure human well-being. Soundscape, the collection of all sounds emanating from a landscape, reflects the dynamics of biological,...
Tomonari Akamatsu
(National Research Institute of Fisheries Science)
01/04/2019, 11:00
Oral Presentation
Coral reef accommodate many symbionts that made it highly biodiverse underwater ecosystem. Soundscape is one of an indicator of biodiversity since phonation of animals represent species or family specific acoustic characteristics. Using unsupervised classification algorism developed by the second author, we found clear change of soundscape of coral reef in different season. Extensive calling...
Colin Wen
(Tunghai University)
01/04/2019, 11:30
Oral Presentation
Coralline or coralligenous algal reef, like many other coastal marine ecosystems, are vulnerable to land-source sedimentation and human disturbance. The Taoyuan coralline algal reef is a biodiverse area recently threated by coastal developments and industrial waste runoff. As the reef lies in an area highly disturbed by monsoons, it is difficult to survey the algal reef fish community using...
Yi Ta Shao
(National Taiwan Ocena University)
01/04/2019, 12:00
Oral Presentation
The soundscape underwater is never silent, but composed of geophonic and biophonic sounds. Anthropogenic sounds, e.g. sounds generated during exploration of oil and gas deposits, shipping, military operations, and development of offshore wind farms (OWF) have altered the underwater soundscape in the past 50 years. The impacts of anthropogenic noise on underwater animals were depended on the...
Tzu-Hao Lin
(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
01/04/2019, 14:00
Oral Presentation
Soundscape information retrieval represents the technique to extract meaningful information relevant to geophysical, biological, and anthropogenic activities from field recordings. Supervised source separation and audio recognition techniques have been widely employed in the past, but the performance depends on the quantity of training database and the complexity of testing data. To counter...
Yu Tsao
(Academia Sinica)
01/04/2019, 14:30
Oral Presentation
Recently, information retrieval based on acoustic signals has caught great attention. In real-world scenarios, acoustic signals are easily distorted by additive or convolutional noises or recording devices, which constrain the achievable information retrieval performance. To address this issue, numerous acoustic signal enhancement (ASE) algorithms have been derived in order to improve the...
Tyng-Ruey Chuang
(Academia Sinica)
01/04/2019, 15:00
Oral Presentation
We will first provide an overview of depositar which is a research data repository built on top of CKAN, an open source software package originally developed for publishing open (government) data. Several features have been added to depositar to better support the deposit, curation, and exploration of research datasets. The new features include, among others, 1) rich metadata support, 2)...
Ryan Sheng Ming WANG
01/04/2019, 16:00
Ellen Mc Aurthur
(Gunung Mulu National Park)
01/04/2019, 16:15
Oral Presentation
Bats are keystone species that perform vital ecosystem and economic services and are, therefore, an important fauna to be monitored. Acoustic monitoring with ultrasonic detectors has emerged, in recent years, as an essential tool to quantify the activity of echolocating insectivorous bats and identify key habitats used by them for commuting and foraging. However, only a few acoustic studies...
Vu Dinh Thong
(Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources)
01/04/2019, 16:45
Oral Presentation
Vietnam is recognised as an important country in Asia for bat research and conservation. To date, 126 bat species belonging to 36 genera and 8 families are known. However, the acoustic characters of many Vietnamese bats are still poorly studied. Between 2006 and 2018, we conducted a series of bat surveys in Vietnam with an emphasis on bioacoustic research. Echolocation calls of bats were...
Faisal Ali Awanrali Khan
(University of Malaysia Sarawak)
, Dr
Thanh Hai Bach
(Cat Tien National Park)
, Dr
Vy Tran Nugyen
(Institute of Tropical Biology)
01/04/2019, 17:15
Florence Evacitas
(University of Philippiines Cebu)
02/04/2019, 11:15
Oral Presentation
The coastal waters around the island of Cebu is a complex mix of ecosystem types, substrate composition, and underwater topography that vary spatially and temporally. Levels of protection, human use patterns, and occurrence of natural disturbances also vary across space. Status of the coastal ecosystems is primarily monitored through visual assessments of abundance, biomass, or percent cover...
Shih-Ching Yen
(National Tsing Hua University)
02/04/2019, 11:45
Oral Presentation
After the extinction of sika deer (Cervus nippon) population in the wild in Taiwan, a restoration program has been in place in Kenting National Park since 1984. To evaluate the effectiveness of restoration program and to address the issue of deer impacts on the environment, the population status and activities of sika deer should be monitored. In addition to conventional methods, such as line...
Chung-Hang Hung
(National Taiwan University)
02/04/2019, 12:15
Oral Presentation
The Chinese Crested Tern, Thalasseus bernsteini (CCT), is the most critically endangered seabird species in Taiwan. CCT nests sympatrically with the Great Crested Tern, T. bergii (GCT), among seven protected islands within the Matsu Island Tern Refuge (MITR).To minimize disturbances during breeding season, autonomous acoustic recorders were used to monitor the activity of CCTs and GCTs on the...
Pauline Carmel Joy Eje
(ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity)
02/04/2019, 14:00
Oral Presentation
Organisms interact in a complex system that also involves various cues for intra- and interspecific recognition. Sounds are important signals for recognizing kin, prey as well as predators. In the Philippines, very little is known about the characteristics of sounds in the rainforest, how they vary across landscapes and time, and how species interact acoustically. It is aimed that this...
Van Bang Tran
(Southern Institute of Ecology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
02/04/2019, 14:30
Oral Presentation
Vocalization is an important characteristic of gibbons (family Hylobatidae) in Southeast Asia because it is used to determine and protect group territory and in social behaviour. Even though the important role of calling in gibbon life, understanding the calling behaviour of species often based on short time of study rather than in long-term study because of the limitation of presence surveyor...