Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Daniele Bonacorsi (University of Bologna)
In this presentation, we will divide a general EEG study into several steps and introduce the position of this study in EEG research through the issues involved in each step.
After that, we will outline the feature selection method we used in this study that emphasizes the minority class in imbalanced datasets and states the results on imbalanced datasets for the EEG and Emotion dataset and...
3D Bin Packing is the problem of finding the best way to pack several cargos into a container in order to maximize the container density. Moreover, some problems have constraints such as weight, stack-ability, fragility, and orientation of cargo pieces. Since the 3D Bin Packing problem is known to be NP-hard, and an exact solution is hard to be obtained in a reasonable time. Therefore, various...
River and lake water is a major resource for drinking water, food production and various industrial and agricultural purposes and it hosts or feeds many sensitive ecosystems. Therefore assuring the absence of potentially harmful chemicals is a vital issue for environmental and economic sustainability. Tens of thousands of different chemicals are present in fluctuating amounts in surface water...
Data centers house IT and physical infrastructures to support researchers in transmitting, processing and exchanging data and provide resources and services with a high level of reliability. Through the usage of infrastructure monitoring platforms, it is possible to access data that provide data center status, e.g. related to services that run on the machines or to the hardware itself, to...