Resilience of cultural heritage to natural disasters: preventive conservation and enhancement

Not scheduled
Academia Sinica

Academia Sinica

Oral Presentation


Prof. Antonio Sgamellotti (Perugia University)


The theme of resilience has been widely circulated, constituting a real discipline in many cases. Its definition originates in the field of ecology and refers to the ability of a system, after disturbance, to return with sufficient rapidity, to a state close to the initial one. The general application of this concept is evident, and it has recently been extended to cultural heritage too. The protection of cultural heritage as a priority, within the framework of international politics and disaster risk reduction programs, was included for the first time in the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030" by UNISDR (The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction). In this context, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei has contributed with the proposition of the "Charter of Rome on the Resilience of Art Cities to Natural Disasters", approved by the global network of Academies IAP (the interacademy partnership) and the 'Statement on Cultural Heritage : Building Resilience to Disasters", approved by the G7 Science. A first way to follow the guidelines contained in these strategic documents has been the recent establishment of CERHER - Center of Resilience on Heritage - an integrated skills center operating in the macro-region of central Italy: Umbria, Tuscany and Marche, which aims to develop the resilience of art cities to natural disasters. CERHER's primary objective is to act in the context that surrounds cultural heritage, building a network of active protection and risk mitigation, capable of optimizing the resilience of the art cities. In conclusion, as a practical example of applicating the above cited guidelines, will be presented the measures of preventive conservation and enhancement of the Villa Farnesina in Rome, a splendid Renaissance suburban villa, with frescoes by Raphael.

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