Integration and optimization of cloud computing within the BNL workload management system

23 Mar 2018, 10:00
Conference Room 2, BHSS (Academia Sinica)

Conference Room 2, BHSS

Academia Sinica

Oral Presentation Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation Infrastructure Clouds & Virtualisation Session


Ms iris wu (Brookhaven National Lab)


The Scientific Data and Computing Center (SDCC) oversees all scientific computing activities at BNL, and a primary goal is to provide resources to a heterogeneous and geographically dispersed user community. The SDCC currently supports HEP, NP, Astrophysics, Photon Sciences, Material Sciences, Biology and other communities. This presentation describes the SDCC on-going activities in the high-throughput and high-performance computing (HTC and HPC) domains at BNL, including workload management changes that allow HTC applications to use HPC resources (local and remote), integration of virtualization containers technologies to enable seamless access to institutional resources, BNLBox (a cloud-like storage service that allows users to share and synchronize data across devices) and enabling cost-optimized access to cloud (commercial and private) resources for time-sensitive applications. The presentation also discusses timelines and near-term activities to increase flexible and timely access to computing resources for the BNL user community.

Primary author

Ms iris wu (Brookhaven National Lab)

Presentation materials