GridPP wider community support and the UKT0

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Academia Sinica

Academia Sinica

Oral Presentation Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations


Dr Jeremy Coles (University of Cambridge)


GridPP has been a core member of the WLCG since its inception. In recent years various considerations have led to an increased focus on sharing GridPP resources and supporting new communities outside of the LHC experiments and beyond HEP. The first part of this paper brings together a review of the current approaches within GridPP to harness traditional resources for these ‘other’ Virtual Organisations, and also to bring in new resources such as HPC and commercial cloud providers. The paper presents several case studies and highlights common difficulties being encountered and the solutions being proposed. The second part of the paper gives an overview of the needs of a diverse set of science communities, including GridPP, that have come together in the UK to form the “UKT0”, a project that has just been awarded £1.5M to provide the first components of a joined up eInfrastructure and provision production ready capacity by March 2018. The paper describes the scope of work being undertaken in the first phase of the UKT0 and its aspirations.

Primary author

Dr Jeremy Coles (University of Cambridge)

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