Physics & Engineering Session
- Hiroshi Sakamoto (The University of Tokyo)
Xiaowei Jiang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
22/03/2018, 14:00
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
In a batch system, the job queue is in charge of a set of jobs. Job queue health is determined by the health status of these jobs. The job state can be queuing, running, completed, error or held, etc. Generally jobs can move from one state to another. However, if one job keeps in one state for too long, there might be problems, such as worker node failure and network blocking. In a large-scale...
Tomoe Kishimoto
(University of Tokyo)
22/03/2018, 14:20
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
The Tokyo Tier-2 center, which is located in the International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP) at the University of Tokyo, is providing computer resources for the ATLAS experiment in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). The official site operation in the WLCG was launched in 2007 after several years of development. The site has been achieving a stable and reliable operation...
Jiri Chudoba
(Institute of Physics of the CAS, Prague)
22/03/2018, 14:40
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
Available computing resources limit data simulation and processing of LHC experiments. WLCG Tier centers connected via Grid provide majority of computing and storage capacities, which allow relatively fast and precise analyses of data. Requirements on the number of simulated events must be often reduced to meet installed capacities. Projection of requirements for future LHC runs shows a...
Philippe Charpentier
22/03/2018, 15:00
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
Since the inception of the MONARC model and of the Grid paradigm at the turn of the millenium, our views on how to organize distributed computing for the LHC experiments has considerably evolved. There have been several generations of tools (Grid middleware) as well as a lot of conceptual and technical developments within the experiments in order to optimize the efficiency of data management...
Wenjing wu
22/03/2018, 15:30
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
Exploit the massive Volunteer Computing resource for HEP computation