Grid Tutorial (Presented in Chinese)
Date: 24th July, 2004 (Saturday)
Venue: 3F Computer Room, Life Science Library, Academia Sinica
Outline: The scheduled topics of this Tutorial will include:
- Why Grid
- Introduction to the Grid
- Using Grid
- Grid Technology
- Grid Software
- Building a Grid System
- Developing your Application for Grid
- Future Trend
LCG-Asia Workshop (presented in English)
Date: 26th July, 2004 (Monday)
Venue: Conference Room 1, Academic Activity Center, Academia Sinica
Outline: Grid has been proved to be an effective infrastructure for large-scale sharing of distributed and loosely coordinated computing resources. LCG is the first world-wide scale production grid system. Based on the success of LCG, some aggressive projects (like EGEE and Grid3) are working on to expand the Grid technology for other scientific applications, for example the bioinformatics, astronomy, chemistry, etc., and for new networked collaboration model.
The LCG Asia Workshop is the first LCG Workshop endorsed formally by LCG Project. The objective is to inform the overview of status, strategy, real technology experiences and issues of LCG and the roadmap from LCG to EGEE. Target audiences of this workshop is not limited to LCG or LHC experiments participating institutes, those who would like to deploy grid technology for their researches would be beneficial.
The scheduled topics of this Workshop will include:
- Overview of LCG System
- Grid Deployment and LCG Fabrics
- Grid Applications
- Summary and Outlook