21-25 March 2022
Academia Sinica
Europe/Zurich timezone

A collaboration and compute platform from EGI for Open science in Asia

Mar 23, 2022, 2:30 PM
Room 1

Room 1


Gergely Sipos (EGI)


EGI-ACE is a 30-month European project (Jan 2021 - June 2023) with a mission to accelerate Open Science practices, by delivering online services for compute and data intensive research. EGI-ACE provides the Compute Platform of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): a federation of compute and storage facilities, complemented by diverse access, data management and analytical services. The EOSC Compute Platform is designed for a wide range of scientific data processing and analysis use cases, including the hosting of scientific portals and data spaces. The Compute Platform heavy builds on the 22 OpenStack providers of the EGI Federated Cloud. EGI-ACE recently allocated a resource pool from these cloud providers to environmental and agriculture researchers in Asia Pacific. The allocated cloud resources and the additional value-added services can be used for the hosting of scientific services and data, application delivery, interactive data analysis and visualisation, sharing of compute and storage cycles. The talk will present the opportunities that this new EGI-ACE infrastructure brings to open science in Asia.

Presentation materials