International Symposium on Grid Computing (ISGC) 2007

Room 1 (Activity Center, Academia Sinica)

Room 1

Activity Center, Academia Sinica

Bob Jones (CERN)

The ISGC is one of the most important annual international events in Asia that brings together scientists and engineers world wide to exchange ideas, to present on challenges, solutions and future development issues in the field of Grid Computing.  The objective of this Symposium is to facilitate the information exchange as well as to explore the global collaboration and interoperation among various Grid projects.

Promoting the awareness of the global Grid operation and collaboration between Asia Pacific region and the world, the Symposium offers an excellent opportunity to learn from the latest achievements from Europe, America and Asia.  By sharing experiences from a variety of Grid systems, this Symposium provides the potential Grid developers and users with invaluable insights for developing Grid technology and application.

The ISGC 2007 will be held at the Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan from 26 to 30 March 2007.  Bridging the Asia Pacific and the world, the Symposium will consist of invited talks and demonstration from leading international projects in Grid operation, Grid Middleware and e-Science applications.  Lectures will also highlight related national Grid projects from Asia Pacific countries.

ISGC 2007 major topics concentrates on Global Grid Projects, Grid Projects in Asia Pacific, High Energy Physics Application, Biomedical Application, e-Science Applications, Operation & Management, Grid Middleware, Interoperation as well as Industry Track.