Ian Collier
In the course of GridPP 5 - the next four year project funding computing for high energy physics in the UK - the RAL Tier 1 plans to reduce the effort required to provide the Tier 1 service. We are investing now in deploying a new grid data storage platform based on Ceph, and in the deployment of a cloud platform with the Tier 1 as one tenant backed up by our existing configuration management, monitoring and on call systems which will result in a more scalable and low maintenance infrastructure. This will allow us to more easily meet the substantial computing needs of new communities inside and outside STFC. We discuss both the technical roadmap and the more social problem of enabling new user communities on our infrastructure.
A discussion of plans at the RAL Tier 1 Centre of both the technical development and outreach activities involved in meeting the computing needs of new projects and scientific communities beyond HEP.
Primary author
Ian Collier