13-18 March 2016
Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

Recommending Majors of Students by using Fuzzy Modeling

Mar 17, 2016, 4:30 PM
BHSS, Media Conf. Room (Academia Sinica)

BHSS, Media Conf. Room

Academia Sinica

Poster Presentation Data Management Poster Session


Ms Ankhtuya Ochirbat (National Central University)


Students in high school or undergraduate stage make critical decisions regarding what to study and which career path to pursue. For various reasons, many of them end up switching to other majors. This may potentially cause mismatch between personality, interest and abilities of the students and characteristics of majors. Such changes are wasteful in time and resources and they produce emotional and economical stresses. Due to the rapid development of society, students need counseling session to enable them to choose a suitable major. The choice of major has become increasingly complex due to the existence of multiple human skills which mean each person or human has their ability at the certain area and can be applied to multiple majors. The main problem of difficulty making a major choice among students is they don’t know how make decisions and lack of knowledge and information about majors and occupations. Therefore, to recommend suitable majors to students, it is essential to build a recommendation system that provides direction and guidance to students for choosing their major. Hence, this study proposes the major recommendation system using the fuzzy model based on student’s profile, personality, learning style and vocational interest. The study was carried out in accordance with following three questionnaires with a pool of Mongolian 107 eleventh grade students in the fall semester of the 2014/ 2015 academic year. In addition, Holland vocational Interest, big five inventory and index of learning styles questionnaires were employed respectively during the experiment for collecting data.

Primary author

Ms Ankhtuya Ochirbat (National Central University)


Prof. Timothy K.Shih (National Central University)

Presentation materials