Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Session IV
- Kai NAN ()
Edoardo Martelli
17/03/2016, 14:00
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) is a global collaboration of almost 200 interconnected computing centres that provide global computing resources to store, distribute and analyse the massive volume of physics data generated by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN, Alice, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb.
The LHCOPN (LHC Optical Private Network) connects the Tier 0 and Tier 1 sites....
Bruno Hoeft
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
17/03/2016, 14:20
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is running the German LHC Tier-1 site and therefore involved in design and development of LHCOPN and LHCONE from the very beginning. KIT had previously established for the LHCOPN, the vpn network connecting tier-1 sites to tier-0 (CERN), 10Gbps links to multiple tier-1 sites in Europe. These links connected...
Mengyao Qi
17/03/2016, 14:40
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
With constantly increasing volume of data from years of institutional research programs and sharply increasing use of server storage, the Data Center of Institute of High Energy Physics is facing heavy pressure of space layout, system wiring, and power consumption and thus needs further improvements and network architecture expansion. As the artery of Data Center business, the basic network...
Andrew Lee
17/03/2016, 15:00
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
International collaboration is greatly improved by a robust set of network connectivity among research and education networks. Big Data requires resilient and abundant bandwidth between data sources and computational resources. National Research and Education networks often need to concentrate their resources building up the facilities that more directly impact the users they serve....