Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Session V
- Gang CHEN ()
Sven Gabriel
17/03/2016, 16:00
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Operational Security in Scientific distributed IT-Infrastructures like EGI are challenging. Existing computation frameworks are further extended, and new technologies implemented. In this evolving environment new policies have to be developed, and existing policies and procedures have to be extended to meet the new requirements. These policies and procedures are then put to a test in so called...
Go Iwai
17/03/2016, 16:30
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) plays a key role in particle physics experiments, as well as supporting the communities in Japanese universities. In order to ensure those important missions, KEK has two large-scale computer systems: the Supercomputer System (KEKSC) and the Central Computer System (KEKCC).
The KEKSC is mainly used by collaborative researches in...
Jeffrey Templon
17/03/2016, 17:00
Business Models & Sustainability
Oral Presentation
The Dutch National e-Infrastructure (DNI) was reorganised in 2013. The SURF foundation was charged to build upon and in some cases replace the e-Infrastructure built during the 5-year "BiG Grid” project. This reorganisation turned the DNI into a sustainable resource supported by earmarked funds from the Dutch government.
Since then, there has been much progress and activity towards...