21-25 March 2022
Academia Sinica
Europe/Zurich timezone

Running Highly Available SOC services on ex-worker nodes

Mar 23, 2022, 1:30 PM
Room 2

Room 2

Oral Presentation Track 7: Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations


Jouke Roorda (Nikhef)


Setting up on premise Security Operations Center (SOC) services can carry a serious initial hardware investment. To make this important piece of security more accessible, at Nikhef we have been leveraging ex worker nodes to provide a platform for a reliable elasticsearch cluster and highly available SOC services.

Over the last 1,5 year, we have experimented with various ways of deploying and running software with the least amount of interruptions as possible. We will go into our current setup and lessons learned from previous attempts.

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