24-29 March 2024
BHSS, Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

INFN Cloud User Support: the link between research and IT

26 Mar 2024, 16:20
Conf. Room 2 (BHSS, Academia Sinica)

Conf. Room 2

BHSS, Academia Sinica

Oral Presentation Track 8: Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualizations Infrastructure Clouds & Virtualisation


Dr Alessandro Pascolini (INFN CNAF)


With a rich heritage in cutting-edge distributed IT technologies, ranging from initial small clusters to Grid and Cloud-based computing, INFN has introduced "INFN Cloud" about three years ago. This user-friendly, distributed cloud infrastructure and services portfolio is designed for scientific communities, providing easy access and utilization.

Given the decentralized nature of the infrastructure and the extensive array of services and technical solutions in its service catalog, it is crucial to establish a dependable system, supported by both staff and services. This system should facilitate the satisfaction and monitoring of interactions between users and INFN Cloud administrators. In addressing this need, INFN Cloud employs a multi-level structure. The first level (L1) is responsible for managing user registration requests, enrolling new use-cases, and guiding users in utilizing the services available in the INFN Cloud portfolio. The second level (L2) addresses issues requiring higher privileges than those granted to L1, involving experienced and proficient technicians.

Additionally, comprehensive training initiatives have been established and offered to various user categories, aiming to address intricate scientific and technological challenges. This includes training for cloud site administrators who wish to federate their resources with INFN Cloud. This is precisely what has been happening in recent months: INFN Cloud was initially hosted by a couple of data centers (CNAF and ReCaS), but over time new sites, always belonging to INFN, were added to the initial federation, thus increasing the total computational resources available. Moreover, training programs are accompanied by a robust collection of user guides and technical documentation, designed to facilitate the utilization and integration of the services offered through the INFN Cloud PaaS.

This presentation will offer an overview of INFN Cloud and its evolution, DATACLOUD, along with insights into support and training initiatives. Specifically, the discussion will focus on activities dedicated to aiding users in the selection of the most fitting cloud services for their requirements. Additionally, attention will be given to enhancing the INFN Cloud portfolio by gathering new requirements, which can be transformed into dependable solutions for community use. Anticipated modifications in the support and training processes, aligning with the progression of INFN Cloud activities within the newly established INFN DATACLOUD working group, will also be outlined.

Primary author

Francesco Sinisi (INFN-CNAF)


Dr Ahmad Alkansa (INFN CNAF) Dr Alessandro Costantini (INFN CNAF) Dr Alessandro Oliva (INFN LNS) Dr Alessandro Pascolini (INFN CNAF) Dr Carmelo Pellegrino (INFN CNAF) Dr Daniele Lattanzio (INFN CNAF) Dr Emidio Giorgio (INFN LNS) Dr Federica Fanzago (INFN Padova) Dr Salvatore Aurnia (INFN Catania) Dr Simona Stellacci (INFN Napoli) Dr Stefano Stalio (INFN LNGS)

Presentation materials