19-25 March 2011
BHSS, Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

Grid Interoperation Now (GIN)-Update (I)

21 Mar 2011, 11:00
1h 30m
Conf. Rm. 2, AC

Conf. Rm. 2, AC


Kazushige SAGA Morris RIEDEL Stephen CROUCH


Updates on world-wide activities related to interoperability and interoperation of distributed computing and data infrastructures.

(1) Welcome (Morris RIEDEL)
(2) Update on GIN Demonstrations & SC10 Review (Stephen CROUCH)
(3) Operational & Technical Interoperability within EGI (Michaela LECHNER /Sergio ANDREOZZI)
(4) Interoperability Challenges of the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) (Morris RIEDEL)

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