International Symposium on Grids & Clouds (ISGC) 2011

BHSS, Academia Sinica

BHSS, Academia Sinica

Bob Jones (CERN)

Welcome to the ISGC 2011.

    • iRODS Workshop Auditorium


      BHSS, Academia Sinica

      Convener: Prof. Reagan MOORE (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US)
      • 1
        Introductory Material on Policy Based Data Management
        Speaker: Prof. Reagan MOORE (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US)
    • e-Science Application Workshop I: Natural Disaster Mitigation Media Conf. Room

      Media Conf. Room

      BHSS, Academia Sinica

      Convener: Eric YEN (ASGC)
      • 2
        e-Science in Asia
        Speakers: Eric YEN (ASGC) , Simon C. Lin (ASGC)
      • 3
        General Introduction to e-Science Applications
        Speakers: Eric YEN (ASGC) , Simon C. Lin (ASGC)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • e-Science Application Workshop I: Natural Disaster Mitigation
      • 4
        e-Science Application I – Typhoon Introduction of Computational Meteorology

        Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, TW

        Speaker: Chuan Yao LIN (Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, TW)
      • 5
        gLite-based WRF
        Speaker: Yun-Pin SUN (ASGC, TW)
    • iRODS Workshop Auditorium


      BHSS, Academia Sinica

      Convener: Prof. Reagan MOORE (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US)
      • 6
        Installation Guidelines
      • 7
        Examples of User Interfaces
      • 8
        Current Release Features
      • 9
        Integration with Workflow Systems & Integration across Cloud Storage
    • 12:30
      Lunch 4F,Recreation Hall,BHSS,Academia Sinica

      4F,Recreation Hall,BHSS,Academia Sinica

    • 13:00
      Lunch 4F, Recreation Hall

      4F, Recreation Hall

      BHSS, Academia Sinica

    • e-Science Application Workshop I: Natural Disaster Mitigation
      • 10
        e-Science Application II – Earthquake Introduction of Computational Seismology
        Speaker: Li ZHAO (Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, TW)
    • iRODS Workshop Auditorium (BHSS Academia Sinica)


      BHSS Academia Sinica

      Convener: Prof. Reagan MOORE (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US)
      • 11
        Use of the iRODS Technology, Focusing on Specific Community Requirements
      • 12
        SRM-iRODS Interface
        Speaker: Mr Weilong Ueng (ASGC)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break
    • e-Science Application Workshop I: Natural Disaster Mitigation
      • 13
        gLite-based SPECFEM3D and Finite Difference
        Speaker: Yi-Tao He (ASGC)
    • iRODS Workshop Auditorium


      BHSS, Academia Sinica

      Convener: Reagan MOORE (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US)
      • 14
        Discussion of Desired Features for Extending the Capabilities of the Data Grid (Summary of plans for further enhancements of the software)
        Speaker: Reagan MOORE (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US)
    • Asia@home Hackfest Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      • 15
        Speaker: Li ZHAO (Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, TW)
      • 16
        The Limits of Volunteer Computing
        Speaker: David ANDERSON (Space Science Laboratory, UC Berkeley, US)
    • e-Science Application Workshop II: Life Science Conference Room 1, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 1, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conveners: Eric YEN (ASGC) , Simon C. Lin (ASGC)
      • 17
        e-Science in Asia
        Speakers: Eric YEN (ASGC) , Simon C. Lin (ASGC)
      • 18
        General Introduction to e-Science Applications
        Speakers: Eric YEN (ASGC) , Simon C. Lin (ASGC)
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break
    • Asia@home Hackfest Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      • 19
        Lessons Learned from Running Large-scale Simulations on a Volunteer Platform
        Speaker: Carl CHRISTENSEN (School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, US)
      • 20
        LHC@home and CernVM – A New Approach to Porting Large-scale Applications to BOINC
        Speaker: Daniel LOMBRANA GONZALEZ (Citizen Cyberscience Centre, CERN, CH)
      • 21
        Brainstorming Session

        Planning Teams and Activities for the Afternoon.

    • e-Science Application Workshop II: Life Science Conference Room 1, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 1, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      • 22
        e-Science Application I – Drug Discovery Introduction of Modern Drug Discovery (Remote)
        Speaker: Yin-Ta WU (Genomics Research Centre, Academia Sinica, TW)
      • 23
        Drug Discovery Tools and GVSS Production System
        Speaker: Hsi-Kai WANG (ASGC, TW)
    • 12:30
      Lunch (Asia@home Hackfest) 4F,Recreation Hall,BHSS,Academia Sinica

      4F,Recreation Hall,BHSS,Academia Sinica

    • 12:30
      Lunch (e-Science Application Workshop II: Life Science) 4F,Recreation Hall,BHSS,Academia Sinica

      4F,Recreation Hall,BHSS,Academia Sinica

    • Asia@home Hackfest Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      • 24

        Running Existing Seismological Simulation Code on BOINC
        Testing Performance on Various Multicore Machines
        Exploring Porting to GPUs and Other Processors
        Testing Performance of Seismological Code using Virtual Machines

    • e-Science Application Workshop II: Life Science Conference Room 1, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 1, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      • 25
        e-Science Application II – Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Introduction of Computational Biology
        Speaker: Ueng-Cheng YANG (Institute of BioMedical Informatics, National Yang Ming University, TW)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break
    • e-Science Application Workshop II: Life Science Conference Room 1, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 1, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      • 26
        gLite-based Tools (Demo)
        Speaker: Gen-Tao Mike CHIANG (University of Cambridge, UK)
    • Asia@home Hackfest Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

    • GRAAP: #1 Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      • 30

        Group meeting to wrap-up since last OGF, discuss the state of the group and the documents under work, discuss comments received during the public comment period, planning for the next period

        (1) Welcome
        (2) Update since OGF30
        (3) State of the WG
        (4) Pending and upcoming work on micro specs
        (5) Work on Negotiation spec comments

        Speaker: Wolfgang ZIEGLER
    • Grid Storage Management Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      • 31
        Grid Storage Management

        The Storage Resource Manager protocol manages data in the Large Hadron Collider grid, and for many other global grid data infrastructures and applications. This session will look at the current use, in all areas of research, interoperation with other storage, roadmap, and other aspects of large scale data management for science.

        This session will look at large scale distributed data management: the SRM protocol is used in some of the largest grids in the world, and the session will look at interoperation, current use and roadmap, and other aspects of managing data on a petabyte scale.

        (1) Current use, roadmap, EMI input
        (2) Interoperation: iRODS, GAFS, CVMFS, cloud storage
        (3) Managing a distributed data infrastructure

        Speaker: Jens JENSEM (GSM-WG) Group Discussion)
    • IGTF All-Hands Meeting (I) Media Conf. Rm. BHSS, Academia Sinica

      Media Conf. Rm. BHSS, Academia Sinica

      • 33
        IGTF All-Hands Meeting (I)
    • NSI Session: (I) Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      • 34
        NSI Session (I)

        (NSI-WG) Presentation NSI working group session will discuss the draft NSI protocol and plans for prototyping

        Speakers: Guy ROBERTS, Inder MONGA , Tomohiro KUDOH
    • OGF Board Meeting Conf. Rm. 4, AC

      Conf. Rm. 4, AC

    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Asia@home Hackfest Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

    • GRAAP: #2 Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      • 37

        Session to continue the discussion on comments received on the WS-Agreement Negotiation Specification

        Speaker: Wolfgang ZIEGLER
    • Grid Interoperation Now: (GIN)-Update (I) Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      • 38
        Grid Interoperation Now (GIN)-Update (I)

        Updates on world-wide activities related to interoperability and interoperation of distributed computing and data infrastructures.

        (1) Welcome (Morris RIEDEL)
        (2) Update on GIN Demonstrations & SC10 Review (Stephen CROUCH)
        (3) Operational & Technical Interoperability within EGI (Michaela LECHNER /Sergio ANDREOZZI)
        (4) Interoperability Challenges of the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) (Morris RIEDEL)

        Speakers: Kazushige SAGA, Morris RIEDEL, Stephen CROUCH
    • IGTF All-Hands Meeting (I) Media Conf. Rm. BHSS, Academia Sinica

      Media Conf. Rm. BHSS, Academia Sinica

      • 40
        IGTF All-Hands Meeting (I)
    • NSI Session: (Ⅱ) Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      • 41
        NSI Session (II)

        Continued discussion of draft NSI protocol

        Speakers: Guy ROBERTS, Inder MONGA, Tomohiro KUDOH
    • OGF Board Meeting Conf. Rm. 4, AC

      Conf. Rm. 4, AC

      • 42
        IGTF All-Hands Meeting (I)
    • 12:30
    • 12:30
    • 12:30
      Lunch (Asia@home Hackfest)
    • Asia@home Hackfest Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      Conference Room 2, BHSS, Academia, Sinica

      • 43

        Setting up QCN with Laptops, Mobile Phones and USB Sensors
        Setting up a QCN Server
        Developing A Web-based Dissemination Campaign for QCN in Taiwan
        Developing A Strategy for Regional Deployment of QCN in SE Asia

      • 44
        Summary, Future Plans and Evaluation of the Hackfest
    • Cyberinfrasturcture (e-Research) Usage Modalities Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      • 45
        Cyberinfrasturcture (e-Research) Usage Modalities

        (new) Ad-hoc BOF

        The TeraGrid has begun to measure “usage modalities.” We want to measure these modalities to understand what objectives our users are pursuing, how they go about achieving them, and why, so that we can make changes in the TeraGrid to better support them. We believe other infrastructure projects are also working in this area, and this session will allow us to discuss how we can all do this together, including coming up with common definitions and means of measurement. If there is sufficient interest, this could lead to a working group to continue this activity.

        (1) Discussion of TG work to-date
        (2) Open discussion of other infrastructures work
        (3) Discussion of how to go forward

        Speakers: JP NAVARRO, Daniel Katz (University of Illinois)
    • Grid Interoperation Now: (GIN)-Update(II) Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      • 46
        Grid Interoperation Now (GIN)-Update(II)

        GIN-CG) Presentation

        Updates on world-wide activities related to interoperability and interoperation of distributed computing and data infrastructures.

        (1) Interoperability Updates between Desktop Grids and Service Grids (Etienne URBAH)
        (2) FutureGrid Updates (Andrew GRIMSHAW)
        (3) SIENA: European Roadmap on Standards in e-Science (Johannes WATZL)
        (4) Updates on RENKEI Interoperability Work (Kazushige SAGA)
        (5) Others

        Speakers: Kazushige SAGA, Morris RIEDEL, Stephen CROUCH
    • IGTF All-Hands Meeting (I) Media Conf. Rm. BHSS, Academia Sinica

      Media Conf. Rm. BHSS, Academia Sinica

      • 48
        IGTF All-Hands Meeting (I)
    • On-demand Infrastructure Services Provisioning: Provisioning (ISOD-RG)- (I) Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      • 49
        On-demand Infrastructure Services Provisioning (ISOD-RG)- (I)

        (ISOD-RG) Charter-Discussion BOF
        The ISOD-RG intends to leverage work done in the currently existing and concluded OGF working groups and other standardisation bodies to provide recommendation about developing a new generalised architecture and framework for dynamically provisioned virtualised services. The scope of the ISOD-RG will also include investigation of the possible architecture frameworks for the Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provisioning model.

        ISOD-RG will have 2 sessions. First session will we be devoted to the ISOD-RG charter discussion, second session will host presentations devoted to the technical discussions of the planned deliverables and existing practices and solutions.

        This is the first meeting of the On-demand Infrastructure Services provisioning Research Group (ISOD-RG) that follows successful BoF's at OGF28 and OGF30. ISOD-RG will investigate existing practices in the on-demand combined network and IT infrastructure resources provisioning.

        Session 1 - Charter Discussion and Work Items
        (1) Status Update from the ISOD BoF at OGF31
        (2) Charter Discussion ISOD-RG
        (3) Discussion: Work Items and Candidate Contributions

        Speakers: Chin GUOK, Yuri DEMCHENKO
    • 15:30
      Coffee Breack
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break
    • Distributed Parameteric Optimization in Grid and Cloud Environment Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      • 50
        Distributed Parameteric Optimization in Grid and Cloud Environments

        The session wants to gauge the interest and activities in performing optimization of particularly complex and computationally expensive problems in Grid and Cloud environments.

        (1) Introduction
        (2) Overview - who does what
        (3) Software and Use Cases
        (4) Dos and Donts

        Speaker: Ruediger Berlich (Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))
    • IGTF All-Hands Meeting (I) Media Conf. Rm. BHSS, Academia Sinica

      Media Conf. Rm. BHSS, Academia Sinica

    • On-demand Infrastructure Services Provisioning: (ISOD-RG)- (II) Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      • 52
        On-demand Infrastructure Services Provisioning (ISOD-RG)- (II)

        (ISOD-RG) Charter-Discussion BOF

        The ISOD-RG intends to leverage work done in the currently existing and concluded OGF working groups and other standardisation bodies to provide recommendation about developing a new generalised architecture and framework for dynamically provisioned virtualised services. The scope of the ISOD-RG will also include investigation of the possible architecture frameworks for the Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provisioning model.

        ISOD-RG will have 2 sessions. First session will we be devoted to the ISOD-RG charter discussion, second session will host presentations devoted to the technical discussions of the planned deliverables and existing practices and solutions.

        Session 2 - On-going developments and projects overview
        (1) Projects presentations
         GEANT3 Project update: Virtualisation Services and Composable Services
         GEYSERS Project: Infrastructure Virtualisation
         Other projects
        (2) Potential contributions discussion
         Overview and analysis Cloud provisioning models
         Infrastructure Services Modeling
         Other proposals about contribution (e.g. WSAG vs SLAM, etc.)

        Speakers: Chin GUOK, Yuri DEMCHENKO
    • Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI)-Update Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      • 53
        Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI)-Update

        (PGI-WG) Presentation

        As spin-off activity of the Grid Interoperaion Now (GIN) community group, the Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI) working group aims to improve existing open standards (e.g. BES, JSDL, GLUE, etc.) with production Grid experience.

        This session presents the current status in terms of the specification and complementary documents (glossary, use cases, etc.).

        (1) Published Documents; Glossary & Use Cases
        (2) Standardization Status of PGI Specifications
        (3) Relationships to other groups
        (4) Others

        Speakers: Johannes WATZL, Morris RIEDEL
    • CHAIN Meeting Conf. Rm. 2, BHSS

      Conf. Rm. 2, BHSS

      • 54
        CHAIN Meeting
    • GFS-WG-RNS Metadata Search Interface Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      Conf. Rm. 3, AC

    • Grid RPC Session Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      • 56
        Grid RPC Session

        Discuss on GridRPC standard, focusing on data handle

    • IGTF All-Hands Meeting (II) Media Conf. Rm., BHSS

      Media Conf. Rm., BHSS

      • 57
        IGTF All-Hands Meeting (II)
    • Standardization within the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      • 58
        Standardization within the European Middleware Initiative (EMI)

        (EMI) Presentation

        The European Middleware Initiative (EMI) provides software to support a wildly diverse range of e-Science user communities and their distributed computing and data infrastructures like EGI, PRACE, and others.


        (1) EMI 101 (Morris RIEDEL)
        (2) EMI Standardization Roadmap (Aleksandr KONSTANTINOV)
        (2) Standardization within the EMI Data area; pNFS, SRM, & Storage Accounting Records (Patrick FUHRMANN)
        (3) GLUE2 as Common Information Model in EMI (Laurence FIELD)
        (4) Common Security Profiles using SAML & XACML (John WHITE)
        (5) Others

        Speakers: Aleksandr KONSTANTINOV, Morris RIEDEL
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • CAOPs WG Media Conf. Rm., BHSS

      Media Conf. Rm., BHSS

      • 59
        CAOPs WG

        (CAOPS-WG) Group Discussion

        Review status of Working Drafts

        (1) Opening and IP issues
        (2) Review documents status
         Auditing Guidelines Document (Yoshio)
         IGTF HLCA Policy (Jens)
         Relying party defined namespace policies (DavidG)
         Authentication service profile (Christos)

        Speakers: Christos KANELLOPOULOS, Yoshino TANAKA
    • CHAIN Meeting Conf. Rm. 2, BHSS

      Conf. Rm. 2, BHSS

      • 60
        CHAIN Meeting
    • DCI Federation General Session Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      • 61
        DCI Federation General Session

        Infrastructure federation is becoming an increasingly important issue for modern Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs): Dynamic elasticity of quasi-static Grid environments, incorporation of special-purpose resources into commoditized Cloud infrastructures, cross-community collaboration for increasingly diverging areas of modern e-Science, and Cloud Bursting pose major challenges on the technical level for many resource and middleware providers. Especially with respect to increasing cost of operating data centers, the intelligent, yet automated and secure sharing of resources is a key factor for success.

        The DCI Federation Working Group (DCIfed-WG) will, after initial research, deliver a specification for the automatically negotiated, SLA-secured, dynamically provisioned federation of resources and for Grid- and Cloud-type infrastructures. The scope of the specification will include (1) the delegation of workload from one domain into the other, covering job description, submission, and monitoring; and (2) leasing of resources, including resource definition, provisioning, and monitoring.

        This session focuses on general issues, group synchronization, open problem discussion, and future planning.

        (1) Welcome
        (2) What is DCI Federation?
        (3) Discussion of open issues from the mailing list
        (4) Housekeeping (Conference Calls, Workspaces, etc.)
        (5) AOB

    • Next Generation Usage Records Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      • 62
        Next Generation Usage Records

        (UR-WG) Group Discussion

        The Usage Record Format (URF) has been used widely to track resource usage mostly in the context of computing environments.

        This session discusses and presents approaches towards a next generation of usage records covering also data and network usage record tracking.

        (1) Review URF in compute and its usage
        (2) Storage Accounting Approaches
        (3) Network Accounting Approaches
        (4) Towards URF 2.0
        (5) AOB

        Speakers: Andrea CRISTOFORI, Jon NILSEN, Morris RIEDEL
    • SAGA General Session Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      • 63
        SAGA General Session (I)

        SAGA-WG) Group Discussion

        Speaker: Andre MERZKY
    • 13:00
    • ISGC 2011 & OGF 31 Joint Opening Ceremony & Joint Keynote Speech (I) Auditorium, BHSS

      Auditorium, BHSS

      • 64
        ISGC 2011 & OGF 31 Joint Opening Ceremony & Joint Keynote Speech (I)

        Opening Ceremony
        Robert JONES
        CERN, CH

        Robert JONES
        CERN, CH
        Simon C. LIN
        Academia Sinica, TW

        Keynote Speakers:
        OGF Welcome and Current Projects in the EGI
        Steven NEWHOUSE, NL

        Computing at LHC Experiments in the First Year of Data Taking at 7 TeV
        Daniele BONACORSI
        INFN, IT

        Extending gLite VOs with Volunteer and Institutional BOINC-based Desktop Grids to Execute Parameter Sweep Applications
        Peter KACSUK
        MTA SZTAKI, HU

        Speakers: Bob Jones (CERN) , Simon C. Lin (ASGC)
      • 65
        Keynote Speakers:OGF Welcome and Current Projects in the EGI
        Speaker: Steven NEWHOUSE (, NL)
      • 66
        Computing at LHC Experiments in the First Year of Data Taking at 7 TeV
        Speaker: Daniele Bonacorsi (University of Bologna)
      • 67
        Extending gLite VOs with Volunteer and Institutional BOINC-based Desktop Grids to Execute Parameter Sweep Applications
        Speaker: Peter KACSUK
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • APGridPMA Meetin Conf. Rm. 2, BHSS

      Conf. Rm. 2, BHSS

      • 68
        APGridPMA Meeting
    • Distributed Desktop Grid and Volunteer Computing Conf. Rm. 2, BHSS

      Conf. Rm. 2, BHSS

      • 69
        Porting Applications to A Distributed Computing Infrastructure Incorporating Desktop Grids

        Robert LOVAS
        MTA SZTAKI, HU

        Speaker: Tamas KISS (University of Westminster, UK)
      • 70
        Integrate Virtual Screening Service with Desktop Grid by DeGISCO Infrastructure

        Robert LOVAS
        MTA SZTAKI, HU

        Speaker: Chun-Wei SHEN
      • 71
        The Quake-Catcher Network: A Volunteer Computing Seismic Network

        Robert LOVAS
        MTA SZTAKI, HU

        Speaker: Elizabeth COCHRAN COCHRAN (Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside)
      • 72
        First Release of Desktop Grids for eScience Road Map

        Robert LOVAS
        MTA SZTAKI, HU

        Speaker: Ad EMMEN
    • FutureGrid BoF Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      Conf. Rm. 2, AC

      • 73
        FutureGrid BoF

        (FutureGrid BoF) Ad-hoc BOF

        This session will discuss the status of the FutureGrid.

        FutureGrid is a project to develop a high-performance grid cloud test bed that will allow scientists to collaboratively develop and test innovative approaches to parallel, grid, and cloud computing. The test bed will be composed of a high-speed network connected to distributed clusters of high-performance computers. FutureGrid will employ virtualization technology to allow the test bed to support a wide range of operating systems. The goal is to build a system that helps researchers identify cyberinfrastructure that best suits their scientific needs. The FutureGrid project is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and is led by Indiana University with University of Chicago, University of Florida, San Diego Supercomputing Center, Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Virginia, University of Tennessee, University of Southern California, Dresden, Purdue University, and Grid 5000 as partner sites.

        More information may be found at:

        Speaker: Karolina SARNOWSKA (Upton (University of Virginia))
    • Grids & Clouds: (Ⅰ) Auditorium, BHSS

      Auditorium, BHSS

      • 74
        FermiCloud: Technology Evaluation and Pilot Service Deployment

        Kento AIDA
        National Institute of Informatics, JP

        Speaker: Keith CHADWICK (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, US)
      • 75
        An attempt to integrate Clouds on the European Grid e-Infrastructure

        Kento AIDA
        National Institute of Informatics, JP

        Speaker: Giuseppe Andronico (INFN Sez. CT)
      • 76
        Defining Generic Architecture for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Provisioning Model

        Kento AIDA
        National Institute of Informatics, JP

        Speaker: Yuri DEMCHENKO
      • 77
        Addressing Obstacles to Cloud Adoption in Asia

        Kento AIDA
        National Institute of Informatics, JP

        Speaker: Per DAHLBERG
    • HEP Applications Conf. Rm. 1, BHSS

      Conf. Rm. 1, BHSS

      • 78
        PROOF on Demand (PoD): Dynamic PROOF Clusters on the Fly

        Hiroshi SAKAMOTO
        The University of Tokyo, JP

        Speaker: Anar MANAFOV (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, DE)
      • 79
        Simulation and User Analysis of BaBar Data in a Distributed Cloud

        Hiroshi SAKAMOTO
        The University of Tokyo, JP

        Speaker: Ruediger Berlich (Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))
      • 80
        gBasf2 - The Distributed Analysis Client for Belle II
        Speaker: Tom FIFIELD (The University of Melbourne, AU)
    • NML-WG Outreach Session Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      Conf. Rm. 1, AC

      • 81
        NML-WG Outreach Session

        Outreach session giving the status of the network topology modelling

        Speaker: Cees DE LAAT
    • SAGA General Session: (Ⅱ) Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      Conf. Rm. 3, AC

      • 82
        SAGA General Session (II)

        (SAGA-WG) Group Discussion

        Speaker: Andre MERZKY
    • 18:00
      Welcome Reception (2F, Shangri-la Ballroom, Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel)
    • Keynote Speech: Ⅲ Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Convener: Steven NEWHOUSE (, NL)
      • 120
        Computational Infrastructure for Mitigating Earthquake Hazard by Integrating and Modeling GPS, InSAR, Seismicity, and Fault Observations
        Speaker: Andrea DONNELLAN (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, US)
      • 121
        Collaborative Infrastructures to Enable eScience
        Speaker: Peter WITTENBURG (MPI, NL)
      • 122
        Grids and Clouds Integration and Interoperability: An Overview
        Speaker: Alberto DI MEGLIO
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break & Poster Session
    • Grids and Clouds: Activities in Asia Pacific II Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Convener: Marco PAGANONI
      • 123
        Grids and Clouds Activities in India
        Speaker: Neeraj SINHA (Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, IN)
      • 124
        Computing Resource Federation in Grid and Cloud Environment
        Speaker: Kazushige SAGA
      • 125
        NeCTAR: Australia's National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources Program
        Speaker: Glenn MOLONEY (University of Melbourne, AU)
      • 126
        On-Demand Computing and Other Collaboration Services over Private Cloud in Malaysia
        Speaker: Suhaimi Napis (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
      • 127
        Updates on Grid and Cloud initiatives in the Philippines
        Speaker: Peter Antonio BANZON (ASTI, PH)
      • 128
        Grids and Clouds Activities in Vietnam
        Speaker: Hong-Quang NGUYEN (IFI, VN)
      • 129
        Grid and Cloud Computing Activities in Singapore and Applications in Life Science Research
        Speaker: Tin Wee Tan (National Supercomputing Centre)
    • 12:30
      Lunch (Recreation Hall, 4F) APGI Meeting (Closed) (Meeting Room 901)
    • Biomedicine and Life Sciences Application: Ⅰ Media Conf. Room, BHSS

      Media Conf. Room, BHSS

      • 130
        Experiences in Delivery of e-Infrastructures for Post-Genomic Biomedical Research
        Speaker: Richard SINNOTT (University of Melbourne, AU)
      • 131
        Federated Access to Clouds for Genomics
        Speaker: Jens JENSEN (STFC RAL, UK)
      • 132
        A Biosurveillance Grid for Public Health Practices
        Speaker: Fuchiang TSUI (University of Pittsurgh, US)
      • 133
        FP7-Eu Project “DECIDE” (Diagnostic Enhancement of Confidence by an International Distributed Environment): A Prototype of e-services for the Assisted Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Functional Studies
        Speaker: Roberto BARBERA (University of Catania and INFN and Consorzio COMETA, IT)
    • Driving Secure Interoperability Support amongst Baseline Functionalities of Public Cloud Offerings Conf. Room 1, AC

      Conf. Room 1, AC

      • 134
        Driving Secure Interoperability Support amongst Baseline Functionalities of Public Cloud Offerings

        Cloud Computing has offered several benefits that SMEs can strategically leverage by doing a paradigm shift in their IT development and operations. However, as ever, there are several pitfalls including vendor lockin, lack of interoperability, portability and federated deployability support. In this BoF session, we would like the participants throw up possible best practices, engage and debate its wider applicability across various markets within Asia and the world at large and across various vertical domains. In addition, we will examine similar efforts put in by contemporary standards bodies and share their experiences.

        1. Introduction
        2. Cloud computing usage across Asian SMEs
        3. Key challenges faced by the Asian SMEs in leveraging the Cloud computing services - IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
        4. Best Practices for successful leverage
        5. Learnings
        6. Session Wrap-up.

        Speaker: Thenalapadi S. MOHAN
    • Grids and Clouds: Ⅱ Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Convener: Ludek Matyska (CESNET)
      • 135
        Searching Tropical Storms on Cloud: A Large-Scale Climate Data Analysis (Remote)
        Speaker: John K. WU (LBL, US)
      • 136
        A Web-based Portal to Access and Manage WNoDeS Virtualized Cloud Resources
        Speaker: Davide Salomoni (INFN)
      • 137
        Investigation of Storage Options for Scientific Computing on Grid and Cloud Facilities
        Speaker: Keith CHADWICK (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, US)
      • 138
        Repoman: A Simple RESTful X.509 Virtual Machine Image Repository
        Speaker: Roger IMPEY (National Research Council of Canada, CA)
      • 139
        Adopting Infrastructure as Code at GSI
        Speaker: Peter MALZACHER (GSI, DE)
    • OGSA-DMI Session Conf. Room 3, AC

      Conf. Room 3, AC

      • 140
        OGSA-DMI Session

        OGSA-DMI-WG) Group Discussion

        The OGSA DMI Working Group tackles the problems of discovering of data transport protocols available at the data's source and destination location and agreeing on one of them, and the actual invocation of the agreed data movement. This includes direct data movements and 3rd party data movements.

        This session will present an overview of the OGSA-DMI working group, summarize the past and current efforts-functional specification, renderings, and the experiences from different OGSA-DMI implementations. Furthermore, the session will also present the working group's recent effort to tackle multiple source-sink data transfer requirements. As we are working towards the next version of OGSA-DMI specification, it will be an opportunity for data management experts to share their experiences and contributions during the session.

        (1) Functional and Rendering Specification
        (2) Experiences from the OGSA-DMI WS-I Implementations
        (3) Multiple source / sink transfers

        Speaker: Shahbaz MEMON
    • Security and Networking: Ⅲ Conf. Room 1, BHSS

      Conf. Room 1, BHSS

      Convener: Alan Sill (Texas Tech University)
      • 141
        In Grid We Trust: Using Identity and User Attributes in a Distributed World
        Speaker: David Groep (Nikhef and Maastricht University)
      • 142
        A Cloud-Based Anti-Malware Solution
        Speaker: Ismail TAHRAWEE (CSIE/NTUST, TW)
      • 143
        Status and Challenges of Security in Distributed Computing
        Speaker: Sebastian LOPIENSKI (CERN, CH)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break & Poster Session
    • Biomedicine and Life Sciences Application: Ⅱ Media Conf. Room, BHSS

      Media Conf. Room, BHSS

      • 144
        A Web Interface for Treatment Planning for Radiotherapy in the Multi-middleware Infrastructure
        Speaker: Yutaka KAWAI (KEK, JP)
      • 145
        WeNMR: A Worldwide e-Infrastructure for NMR and Structural Biology
        Speaker: Shang-Te Danny HSU (National Tsing Hua University, TW)
      • 146
        Enabling JChem on the Grid
        Speaker: Peter KACSUK
      • 147
        Biological Modeling, Simulation and Computing to the Exascale
        Speaker: Chun-Hsi HUANG (University of Connecticut, US)
    • Cloud and Grid Security discussion: Ⅰ Conf. Room 3, AC

      Conf. Room 3, AC

      • 148
        Cloud and Grid Security discussion (I)

        This session is an opportunity for researchers in cloud and grid security to present recent developments. Hot topics include authorisation and delegation, firewalls, security aspects of virtualisation, applications of encryption, interoperation and performance, protection against DDoS, standards, and much more. The Cloud Security session at OGF30 was a great success, with presentations on many different aspects of cloud security, from both industry and academia.

        Speaker: Jens JENSEN (STFC RAL, UK)
    • Delegation BoF Conf. Room 1, AC

      Conf. Room 1, AC

      • 149
        Delegation BoF

        elegation is the process where a remote agent obtains a credential that allows it to act on behalf of some user, so gaining authorisation to use resources. Delegation is often needed within current Grid environments; for example, a job that runs at some remote site requires access to data on the basis that the job was launched by an authorised user.

        GridSite Delegation (GSD) is a protocol that allows a server to obtain a delegated credential. It does this securely, without sending the private key over the network, and using a standard communication frameworks: SSLv3 and SOAP.

        GSD was initially conceived as part of the GridSite project and later adopted by EGEE/gLite as a standard protocol. There exists C and Java implementations (both the server and client components) that were developed independently. GSD is currently in use within the European Middleware Initiative (EMI) and further afield.

        This BoF session is to look at establishing a working group to take the existing GSD documentation and write a OGF INFO document that describes the GSD protocol. This document may become the basis for some future OGF standard.

    • Grids and Clouds: Ⅲ Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      • 150
        Tomorrow’s Performance. Today – PROMISE Storage Solution for Cloud Datacenter
        Speaker: Patrick WANG (APAC FAE Director, TW)
      • 151
        Migrating Scientific Applications from Grids and Cluster Computing into the Cloud - Issues, Challenges and Best Practices
        Speaker: Mohan S. THENALAPADI ( Infosys Technologies Ltd, IN)
      • 152
        Performance Improvements in a large Scale Virtualization System
        Speaker: Andrea CHIERICI (INFN CNAF, IT)
      • 153
        The Geneva Library of Distributed Optimization Algorithms
        Speaker: Ruediger Berlich (Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))
    • Middleware & Interoperability: Ⅰ Conf. Room 1, BHSS

      Conf. Room 1, BHSS

      Convener: Alberto DI MEGLIO
    • 19:00
      Banquet – Invited Only ( 5F, Grand Hall, PALAIS de CHINE Hotel)
    • Biomedicine and Life Sciences Application Media Conf. Room, BHSS

      Media Conf. Room, BHSS

      Convener: Ueng-Cheng YANG (Institute of BioMedical Informatics, National Yang Ming University, TW)
      • 157
        A New Flexible Workflow on the Grid for Monitoring H5N1
        Speaker: Hong-Quang NGUYEN (IFI, VN)
      • 158
        A Cloud Framework for High Throughput Biological Data Processing
        Speaker: Martin KOEHLER (University of Vienna, AT)
      • 159
        Structure-based Drug Discovery on Grid
        Speaker: Hsi-Kai WANG (ASGC, TW)
    • Cloud and Grid Security discussion: Ⅱ Conf. Room 3, AC

      Conf. Room 3, AC

      • 160
        Cloud and Grid Security discussion (II)

        This session is an opportunity for researchers in cloud and grid security to present recent developments. Hot topics include authorisation and delegation, firewalls, security aspects of virtualisation, applications of encryption, interoperation and performance, protection against DDoS, standards, and much more. The Cloud Security session at OGF30 was a great success, with presentations on many different aspects of cloud security, from both industry and academia.

        Speaker: Jens JENSEN (STFC RAL, UK)
    • Earth Sciences Applications, Environmental Monitoring & Disaster Mitigation: Ⅰ Conf. Room 1, BHSS

      Conf. Room 1, BHSS

      • 161
        Modeling Scenarios of Earthquake-generated Tsunamis for the Vietnam Coasts
        Speaker: Antonella PERESAN (University of Trieste, IT)
      • 162
        Earthquake – Tsunami Hazard Assessment and Risk Mitigation in Vietnam Using GIS
        Speaker: Hong-Quang NGUYEN (IFI, VN)
      • 163
        Development of Earthquake Early Warning System Using Low Cost Seismometer
        Speaker: Yih-Min WU (National Taiwan Univeristy, TW )
      • 164
        The Potential Tsunami Threats from the South China Sea and Hazard Mitigation
        Speaker: Tso-Ren WU (National Central University, TW)
      • 165
        Earthquakes Seismic Networking and It’s Application in BMKG, Indonesia
        Speaker: Benny HENDRAWANTO (Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG))
    • Middleware & Interoperability: Ⅱ Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Convener: Ludek Matyska (CESNET)
      • 166
        Gatlet – A Grid Portal Framework
        Speaker: Stefan BOZIC (KIT, DE)
      • 167
        A Simplified Access to Grid Resources by Virtual Research Communities
        Speaker: Marco FARGETTA (INFN, IT)
      • 168
        SAGA-based Application to Use Resources on Different Grids
        Speaker: Yutaka KAWAI (KEK, JP)
      • 169
        Visualisation Element: Towards the Definition of a New Grid Service
        Speaker: Giuseppe Andronico (INFN Sez. CT)
    • Workshop on Standards Roadmap, OGF Conf. Room 1, AC

      Conf. Room 1, AC

      • 170
        Workshop on Standards Roadmap, OGF

        This workshop will focus on roadmaps for OGF standards, in particular as they relate to cloud models of distributed computing.

        Speaker: Alan Sill (Texas Tech University)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Cloud and Grid Security discussion: Ⅲ Conf. Room 3, AC

      Conf. Room 3, AC

      • 171
        Cloud and Grid Security discussion (III)

        This session is an opportunity for researchers in cloud and grid security to present recent developments. Hot topics include authorisation and delegation, firewalls, security aspects of virtualisation, applications of encryption, interoperation and performance, protection against DDoS, standards, and much more.

        The Cloud Security session at OGF30 was a great success, with presentations on many different aspects of cloud security, from both industry and academia.

        Speaker: Jens JENSEN (STFC RAL, UK)
    • Cloud-to-Grid and Grid-to-Cloud Standardization BoF Conf. Room 1, AC

      Conf. Room 1, AC

      • 172
        Cloud-to-Grid and Grid-to-Cloud Standardization BoF Alan SILL

        This BoF will discuss issues related to Cloud-to-Grid and Grid-to-Cloud standardization.

    • Data Infrastructure: Ⅱ Media Conf. Room, BHSS

      Media Conf. Room, BHSS

      Convener: Federico RUGGIERI
      • 173
        Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis for Astronomical Research
        Speaker: Cheng-Hsien TANG (National Central University, TW)
      • 174
        A Search Engine Based Distributed Registry for Heterogenous Metadata
        Speaker: Isao KOJIMA (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), JP)
      • 175
        EMI Data, the unified European Data Management Middleware
        Speaker: Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY/
      • 176
        dCache: Powerful Storage Made Easy
        Speaker: Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY/
    • Earth Sciences Applications, Environmental Monitoring & Disaster Mitigation: Ⅱ Conf. Room 1, BHSS

      Conf. Room 1, BHSS

      Convener: Bor-Shouh Huang (Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica)
      • 177
        Thailand Wind Map Forecasting
        Speaker: Royol CHITRADON (HAII, TH)
      • 178
        The CWB Network Information exChange Environment (NICE)
        Speaker: Mark CHENG (Central Weather Bureau, TW)
      • 179
        e-Science on Weather Simulation Using WRF Model
        Speaker: Yun-Pin SUN (ASGC, TW)
      • 180
        A Lesson Learned of Cloud Computing in Fleet Management System in Taiwan
        Speaker: Wei-Yen LIN (Feng Chia University, TW)
      • 181
        The Cloud-Based Sensor Data Warehouse
        Speaker: Wen-Yuan KU (Feng Chia University, TW)
      • 182
        Applying Case-Based Reasoning to Spatial-temporal Analysis of Residential Burglary Crime Investigation
        Speaker: Ryan Shen-Ming WANG (National Taipei University of Technology, TW)
    • Operation and Management: Ⅲ Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      Conf. Room 2, BHSS

      • 183
        Virtualizing the Philippine e-Science Grid
        Speaker: Rene MENDOZA (Advanced Science and Technology Institute, PH)
      • 184
        Supporting Distributed Computing Infrastructures in Europe and Beyond
        Speaker: Torsten ANTONI (KIT, DE)
      • 185
        D-Grid, the National German Grid Initiative, And the Quest for Sustainability
        Speaker: Ruediger Berlich (Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))
      • 186
        The CHAIN Project
        Speaker: Ludek Matyska (CESNET)
      • 187
        GISELA Project
        Speaker: Bernard MARECHAL (CETA- CIEMAT, ES)
    • 12:30
      Lunch (Recreation Hall, 4F)
    • Grids & Clouds: Activities in Asia Pacific (III) Auditorium, BHSS

      Auditorium, BHSS

      Convener: Steven NEWHOUSE (, NL)
      • 188
        Grids and Clouds in ITB
        Speaker: basuk suhardiman (itb)
      • 189
        Status of Grid Computing Activities in Pakistan
        Speaker: Fawad SAEED (National Centre for Physics, PK)
      • 190
        Grid Computing for Biodiversity Conservation: Building an Image Database of Resident and Migratory Birds in Ateneo de Manila University
        Speaker: Rafael P. SALDANA (AdMU, PH)
    • 15:00
      Closing Ceremony