(ISOD-RG) Charter-Discussion BOF
The ISOD-RG intends to leverage work done in the currently existing and concluded OGF working groups and other standardisation bodies to provide recommendation about developing a new generalised architecture and framework for dynamically provisioned virtualised services. The scope of the ISOD-RG will also include investigation of the possible architecture frameworks for the Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provisioning model.
ISOD-RG will have 2 sessions. First session will we be devoted to the ISOD-RG charter discussion, second session will host presentations devoted to the technical discussions of the planned deliverables and existing practices and solutions.
This is the first meeting of the On-demand Infrastructure Services provisioning Research Group (ISOD-RG) that follows successful BoF's at OGF28 and OGF30. ISOD-RG will investigate existing practices in the on-demand combined network and IT infrastructure resources provisioning.
Session 1 - Charter Discussion and Work Items
(1) Status Update from the ISOD BoF at OGF31
(2) Charter Discussion ISOD-RG
(3) Discussion: Work Items and Candidate Contributions