19-25 March 2011
BHSS, Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

Grid Interoperation Now (GIN)-Update(II)

21 Mar 2011, 14:00
1h 30m
Conf. Rm. 2, AC

Conf. Rm. 2, AC


Kazushige SAGA Morris RIEDEL Stephen CROUCH


GIN-CG) Presentation

Updates on world-wide activities related to interoperability and interoperation of distributed computing and data infrastructures.

(1) Interoperability Updates between Desktop Grids and Service Grids (Etienne URBAH)
(2) FutureGrid Updates (Andrew GRIMSHAW)
(3) SIENA: European Roadmap on Standards in e-Science (Johannes WATZL)
(4) Updates on RENKEI Interoperability Work (Kazushige SAGA)
(5) Others

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