19-25 March 2011
BHSS, Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI)-Update

21 Mar 2011, 16:00
1h 30m
Conf. Rm. 2, AC

Conf. Rm. 2, AC


Johannes WATZL Morris RIEDEL


(PGI-WG) Presentation

As spin-off activity of the Grid Interoperaion Now (GIN) community group, the Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI) working group aims to improve existing open standards (e.g. BES, JSDL, GLUE, etc.) with production Grid experience.

This session presents the current status in terms of the specification and complementary documents (glossary, use cases, etc.).

(1) Published Documents; Glossary & Use Cases
(2) Standardization Status of PGI Specifications
(3) Relationships to other groups
(4) Others

Presentation materials

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