(FutureGrid BoF) Ad-hoc BOF
This session will discuss the status of the FutureGrid.
FutureGrid is a project to develop a high-performance grid cloud test bed that will allow scientists to collaboratively develop and test innovative approaches to parallel, grid, and cloud computing. The test bed will be composed of a high-speed network connected to distributed clusters of high-performance computers. FutureGrid will employ virtualization technology to allow the test bed to support a wide range of operating systems. The goal is to build a system that helps researchers identify cyberinfrastructure that best suits their scientific needs. The FutureGrid project is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and is led by Indiana University with University of Chicago, University of Florida, San Diego Supercomputing Center, Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Virginia, University of Tennessee, University of Southern California, Dresden, Purdue University, and Grid 5000 as partner sites.
More information may be found at: https://portal.futuregrid.org/about