19-25 March 2011
BHSS, Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

Interoperability across Europe and Asia Workshop (I)

23 Mar 2011, 14:00
1h 30m
Conf. Room 3, AC

Conf. Room 3, AC


Alberto MASONI Alberto Masoni (INFN National Institute of Nuclear Physics) Federico RUGGIERI Ludek Matyska (CESNET) Marco PAGANONI


This Workshop propose a step forward on the successful Workshop organized by the EU-IndiaGrid2 project at OGF30 in Brussels: Interoperation and Interoperability across European and Indian e-Infrastructures, and will be organised in cooperation by the CHAIN and the EU-IndiaGrid2 projects. The CHAIN project, (Co-ordination and Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures) started on 1st December 2010.

(1) Introduction
(2) Network aspects
 Contribution from DANTA/TEIN3
 Contributions from Region Representatives
(3) Regional e-Infrastructures
 Contribution from EGI
 Contribution from CHAIN
 Contribution from EU-IndiaGrid2
 Contribution from Regional
 e Infrastructures
(4) Middleware solutions
 Contribution from EGI/EMI
 Contributions from Grid
(5) Interoperation Now Community Group
 Contribution from Regional
 e Infrastructures
(6) Conclusions

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