Aleš Křenek
(Masaryk University)
19/03/2025, 11:00
Track 2: Health & Life Sciences Applications
Oral Presentation
Mass spectrometry (MS) is a compound identification technique used frequently in
life- and environmenta sciences. The specific setup of mass spectrometry on electron ionization, coupled with gass chromatrography (GC-EI-MS) is appealing due to its relative simplicity and stability of the setup, while it is challenging computationally -- the acquired data are strictly "flat", with no...
Ching-Lung Hsu
(Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica)
19/03/2025, 11:30
Track 2: Health & Life Sciences Applications
Oral Presentation
Piotr Draczkowski
19/03/2025, 12:00
Track 2: Health & Life Sciences Applications
Oral Presentation