125 / 125
- Maksim Abuajamieh STFC-UKRI
- Götz Andy ESRF
- Marica Antonacci INFN
- Rob Appleyard STFC
- Simone Balducci
- Armando Bermudez Martinez DESY
- Alex Bersani University of Bologna / IRCSS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute
- Jordi Bodera ESRF
- Daniele Bonacorsi University of Bologna
- Antonio Calanducci INFN CT
- Marco Canaparo INFN
- Nicoletta Carboni CERIC-ERIC
- Alessandra Casale INFN LNGS
- Hsi-Ming Chang Brightlight Vision
- Yung-Chun Chang Taipei Medical University
- Kai-Feng Chen National Taiwan University, Department of Physics
- Yi-An Chen National Taiwan University, Department of Physics
- Yaosong Cheng Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Jiri Chudoba Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Michal Chudoba Charles university, Prague
- Yueh-Hsi Chung Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
- Hélène Cordier IN2P3/CNRS
- Roberto Cornali INFN CNAF
Alessandro Costantini
- Author in Representations of knowledge in living systematic reviews: ionization cross sections by electrons case study
- Co-author in An Overview of the Monitoring and Accounting Architecture for Computing within INFN Projects
- Co-author in Plan for a renewed PaaS Orchestration solution in the DataCloud Project at INFN
- Co-author in Simulation of a neuromuscular control using a quantum computer: Estimating Muscular Activation Patterns with D-Wave Technology
- Co-author in The INFN Cloud platform: state of the art and services implementation
- Benjamin Couturier CERN
David Crooks
- Author in Collaborative Operational Security
- Giorgio Davico University of Bologna / IRCSS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute
- Tine De Moor Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Tommaso Diotalevi INFN and University of Bologna
- Giacinto Donvito INFN
- Elisa Ercolessi University of Bologna
- Federica Fanzago INFN Padova
- Patrick Fuhrmann DESY/dCache.org
- Sven Gabriel Nikhef/EGI
- Jacopo Gasparetto INFN
- Simone Gasperini University of Bologna & INFN
- Mauro Gattari INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Luca Giommi INFN CNAF
- Rajesh Kumar Gnanasekaran the University of Maryland
- Matthias Goffette CNRS/IN2P3
- Luis Granado Cardoso CERN
- Claudio Grandi INFN Bologna
- Francesco Giuseppe Gravili Università del Salento e INFN
- David Groep Nikhef and Maastricht University
- Marianne Groep-Foncke Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Benjamin Guillon CNRS/IN2P3
- Stephan Hachinger Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
- Christophe HAEN CERN
- Adam Hájek Masaryk University
- Marcus Hardt KIT
- Helge Hecht Masaryk University
- Hsiu-Chuan Hsu Applied Physics, National Chengchi University
Hao Hu
Institute of High Energy Physics
- Author in The HEPS Data and Computing System
- Qingbao Hu IHEP
- Wagh Jayesh ESRF
- David Kelsey STFC-RAL
- Tomoe Kishimoto KEK
- Valentin Kozlov Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Maarten Kremers SURF
- Aleš Křenek Masaryk University
- Samuele Lanzi University of Bologna
- Pei-En Li Department of Interaction Design National Taipei University of Technology
- Binbin Li
- Alvaro Lopez Institute of Physics of Cantabria
- Marco Lorusso Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
- Chi-Hao Lung Department of Interaction Design National Taipei University of Technology
- Jiří Marek Masaryk University, Institute of Computer Science
Barbara Martelli
- Co-author in An Overview of the Monitoring and Accounting Architecture for Computing within INFN Projects
- Co-author in Plan for a renewed PaaS Orchestration solution in the DataCloud Project at INFN
- Co-author in Simulation of a neuromuscular control using a quantum computer: Estimating Muscular Activation Patterns with D-Wave Technology
- Co-author in The INFN Cloud platform: state of the art and services implementation
- Aidan Mccomb STFC-UKRI
- Diego Michelotto INFN-CNAF
- Paul Millar DESY
- Moltó Moltó Universitat Politècnica de València
- Masahiro Morinaga
- Minoru Nakazawa Kanazawa Institute of Technology
- Melanie Nentwich Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
- Giang Nguyen Institute of Informatics SAS
- Hayato Ogawa Kanazawa Institute of Techology
Sun Kun OH
Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
- Author in A.I. Literacy against Cybercrimes
- Maria Paola Panetta INFN Bari
- Alessandro Pascolini INFN - CNAF
- Mauro Patano INFN Bari
- Viktoria Pauw Leibniz Rechenzentrum
- Michele Perniola INFN Bari
- Maria Grazia Pia INFN Genova
- Elliott Price Masaryk University
- Fazhi Qi
- Domingo Ranieri
- Johannes Reppin DESY
- Wudmir Rojas Masaryk University
- Elisabetta Ronchieri INFN CNAF
- Judith Sáinz-Pardo Institute of Physics of Cantabria
- Masahiko Saito ICEPP, The University of Tokyo
- Eisaku Sakane National Institute of Informatics
- Apirak Sang-ngenchai Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
- Giovanni Savarese INFN Bari
- Francesco Sborzacchi CERN
- Ettore Serra INFN
- Hannah Short CERN
- Akseniia Shtimmerman INFN CNAF
- Francesco Sinisi INFN-CNAF
- Stefano Stalio INFN LNGS
- Qianran Sun
- Atsuko Takafusa National Institute of Informatics
- Junichi Tanaka University of Tokyo
- Arnout Terpstra SURF
- Byrne Tom STFC-UKRI
- Viet Tran Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Chun-Wei Tung Institute of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research, National Health Research, Miaoli, Taiwan
- Catharina Vaendel Nikhef
Liviu Valsan
- Co-author in Collaborative Operational Security
- Enrico Vianello INFN
- Marco Viceconti University of Bologna / IRCSS Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute
- Gioacchino Vino INFN Bari
- Michael Wagner IBM
- Jiarong Wang Institute of High Energy Physics
- Tim Wetzel Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
- Ko-Chiu Wu Department of Interaction Design National Taipei University of Technology
- Tian Yan
- Yang Yi
- Jhih-Shih You Department of Physics, National Taiwan Normal University
- Caiqiu Zhou
- Giovanni Zurlo INFN CNAF
- 盛轩 孙
- 孝道 林