13-18 March 2016
Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

The EUDAT Service Suite and the Data Lifecycle

Mar 15, 2016, 2:30 PM
BHSS, Conf. Room 1 (Academia Sinica)

BHSS, Conf. Room 1

Academia Sinica

Oral Presentation Data Management Data Management Session I


Mr Shaun de Witt (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


EUDAT, along with EGI, PRACE and GEANT represent four major 'transverse' projects across Europe, providing services, infrastructure and resources to support projects and communities on a European and International Scale in collaboration with international partners such as the RDA. . In this talk we introduce the services provided by EUDAT, and show how they support projects in their data management and data lifecycle. In addition, we show how EUDAT is evolving both to lower the barrier to usage, and provide a more integrated toolset - thus evolving from a set of standalone services to a suite of tools through which data can easily move dependent on the use case. One of the keys to this, and any other project, is the need for a federated AAI and in this we detail the work that has been done on allowing users to use their own local credentials to access the service


The EUDAT Project has developed a suite of tools to assist users and communities in their data management needs. In this talk, we explain the origins and purpose of the project, the services currently in production, planned new services and how these services will evolve in the future.

Primary author

Mr Shaun de Witt (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


Dr Jens Jensen (STFC)

Presentation materials