Kilian Schwarz
(GSI Darmstadt)
Ruediger Berlich
(Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))
The Geneva Library Collection was designed to allow parametric
optimization of demanding scientific and engineering problems in
distributed and parallel computing environments. It has been
successfully tested with a code relevant for hadron physics and is in
production use in the automotive industry. Scalability of Genevas
distributed execution model may be of particular importance for
deployment scenarios involving complex models and simulations. Where
these feature a non-trivial quality surface and many parameters to be
optimized, as well as long running evaluation functions, computing
demands may rise to hundreds or even thousands of cores, used over
days or weeks. Scalability and stability in this case depend on many
factors, some of which must be tuned in highly distributed
environments. GSI Darmstadt has teamed up with the KIT spin-off
Gemfony scientific to modify the Geneva library in such a way that it
allows distributed execution on the new GSI Kronos Cluster, potentially
involving more than thousand cores. The presentation introduces the steps
that had to be taken both on the code- and the cluster-side to make Geneva
scale to the desired level, and involves a practical demonstration on
the target cluster.
Primary authors
Jan Knedlik
(GSI Darmstadt)
Kilian Schwarz
(GSI Darmstadt)
Lutz Matthias
(GSI Darmstadt)
Ruediger Berlich
(Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))
Ariel Garcia
(Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))
Sven Gabriel
(Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))