13-18 March 2016
Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

The Implementation of Combining Problem Based Learning and Hands-on Learning

Mar 17, 2016, 4:20 PM
BHSS, Media Conf. Room (Academia Sinica)

BHSS, Media Conf. Room

Academia Sinica


Mr Tomoya Ikezawa (Kansai University)


Abstract: The goal of this poster to share the experience of class management for problem based learning and hands-on learning. The purpose of class is to make good effectiveness for learning students by problem based learning and hands-on learning. A variety of problem based learning lecture-styles have been existed, yet, most problem based learning-styles classes have been limited space and under setting. With advances in information and communication technology, it's possible to do a variety of things. Space of learning doesn't need limited space by information and communication technology since various information and communication technologies have been developed for the past few years. For instance, collaborative working system, internet video call system advance and development of file share system. Also, those are able to do bidirectional learning. There are three main points in the implementation of this class. The first one Team based Learning, the second, extracurricular activities of farming, the third, exchanging and building good relationship to no connection to a school people. The target readers for this poster are teachers, school administrator, government officers, stakeholders on campus, officers and people interested in education. The experiences of problem based learning class on the poster hope that those help your classes.

Primary author

Mr Tomoya Ikezawa (Kansai University)


Tosh Yamamoto (Kansai University)

Presentation materials

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