User Training Workshop for NSTCCore Computing Service & NVIDIA GPU Computing( 26 June, 2024)

理學教學大樓 物理系 36169 (National Cheng-Kung University)

理學教學大樓 物理系 36169

National Cheng-Kung University

No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C)

User Training Workshop for NSTCCore Computing Service & NVIDIA GPU Computing 2024 at National Cheng-Kung University


國科會高效能核心計算服務計畫,在國科會支持下,由中研院物理所高能物理與科學計算技術中心 (ASGC) 執行,提供本「高效能科學計算服務」

我們將於 2024 年 6月26日 (星期三) 舉辦設施服務使用者訓練工作坊,誠摯邀請各大專院校及研究機構參加。

本次工作坊感謝成大物理系的大力支持,首次跨出台北,希望能擴展與南部學研團隊的互動。除了上午以 NSTCCore 核心計算服務內容的介紹為主,本次工作坊也邀請了NVIDIA技術團隊,介紹NVIDIA GPU最新技術,並幫助您了解如何利用GPU計算資源來增進效能!



1. 高效能計算的基礎實作訓練

介紹ASGC Computing服務及儲存服務的內容和基礎操作,計算服務包含SLURM和DiCOSApp,提供Batch mode和SaaS計算使用需求。


2. NVIDIA GPU computing 探索

我們邀請了NVIDIA GPU技術講師,一起學習了解NVIDIA 過去十年在硬體及軟體上面的發展,及未來前進的方向。

在這場研討會中,我們將介紹NVIDIA GPU最新技術更新。除此之外,還會將NVIDIA在各個科學領域(包含HPC、AI、Omniverse)所開發的各種軟體SDKs做一個綜合性的概述。並歡迎您將您的需求和使用上的問題帶到現場進行研討和討論,與其他參與者一起交流和分享經驗。
我們期待與您一起探索NVIDIA GPU軟硬體資源的使用,並共同推動技術的發展。

3. 科學計算 Q & A 及討論





時間:2024 年 6 月 26 日 (星期三)  09:00 ~ 16:10

地點:國立成功大學 理學教學大樓 物理系 36169 (701 臺南市東區大學路1號)

- 參加實作訓練的學員,需自備筆電,並安裝Putty或其他終端機軟體。

- 參加實作訓練的學員請先行完成服務帳號註冊,帳號註冊說明如下:

- 當天若因故無法實體參與,另提供線上直播以供觀看,歡迎您填寫報名表單,直播網址將寄至所註冊的電子郵件信箱。


User Training Workshop for NSTCCore Computing Service & NVIDIA GPU 2024 in National Cheng-Kung University


We are pleased to invite you to attend this exclusive upcoming workshop!

Questionnaire On-line at:

The high-performance computing(HPC) & storage service of Core Facility for Networking Science, Technology and advanced Computing (NSTCCore) is funded by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and executed by ASGC.

Thanks to the great support of Department of Physics in NCKU, we are able to step out of Taipei and held our workshop in the south of Taiwan. We look forward to meet users and explore the new opportunity in South Taiwan.

Besides, it's our great pleasure to invite NVIDIA technical expert team in this workshop. They will give a useful guide of how to improve your computing performance with NVIDIA GPU computing resource.

In the morning session,  there will be

1. SLURM & DiCOSApp Computing & Storage Service: Introduction & Hands-on

We will introduce ASGC computing & storage service, including policy, pricing and service. Hands-on of SLURM and DiCOSApp for both batch and SaaS mode computing tasks will be given as well.


In the afternoon session, there will be

2. NVIDIA GPU platform for High-Performance Computing and other SDK

NVIDIA technical experts will introduce the development for both hardware and software over the past decade and NVIDIA's future roadmap.

In this session, there will be latest technology update. Furthermore, indepth knowledge of NVIDIA SDKs for various scientific applications, like HPC, AI, Omniverse will be included.

3. Q & A and Discussion

In this session, we aim to help users to solve the problems they've encountered and onboard with our computing service and environment.


All participants are welcomed to bring up your requirements or questions. We are happy to meet and discuss with you in this workshop.


Look forward for your participation!


Date: 09:00 ~ 16:10, Wednesday, June-26 2024

Place:  理學教學大樓 物理系 36169, National Cheng-Kung University  (No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C)


- Please bring your own laptop/tablet with a installed terminal tool (Putty or other terminal toolkits) if you will join Hands-on session

- Please register your account before joining Hands-on session.

- If you couldn't join the physical workshop, welcome to join via live cast. Please fill the registration form, we will send URL of live cast to your email account.


User Training Workshop for NSTCCore Computing Service & NVIDIA GPU Computing( 26 June, 2024)
    • 9:00 AM 9:30 AM
      報到 Registration
    • 9:30 AM 9:40 AM
      一: 高效能計算服務教育訓練工作坊介紹 Opening & Introduction
      • 運算資源、服務內容和計價模式 (Resource, Service & Pricing)
      • 計算服務架構 (Introduction of Computing Service)
    • 9:40 AM 10:00 AM
      二: 高效能科學運算服務 Computing Service Hands-On
      • 科學運算服務平台(Computing Service Platform)介紹:SLURM & DiCOSApp
      • DiCOSApp Computing Service:虛擬化SaaS計算服務
      • SLURM計算服務
      • 資料服務
    • 10:00 AM 10:40 AM
      三: SLURM計算服務
      • SLURM執行工作操作
      • SLURM參數介紹
      • 多核心程式編程及操作 Multi-Core Jobs
      Convener: Yi-Ru Chen
    • 10:40 AM 11:00 AM
      休息 Break 20m
    • 11:00 AM 11:30 AM
      四: 虛擬化SaaS雲端計算服務 - DiCOSApp
      • 計算資源
      • 服務架構
      • 軟體部署
      Convener: Zong-Tsung Wu
    • 11:30 AM 12:00 PM
      五: 資料服務 (Data Service)
      • 資料傳輸
      • 資料操作
      Convener: Siang-Yu Yang
    • 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
      午餐 Lunch 1h
    • 1:00 PM 2:30 PM
      六: Topic: NVIDIA GPU platform for High-Performance Computing and other SDKs

      I. Overview of NVIDIA GPU platform for HPC, AI and Omniverse
      - NVIDIA - An accelerating computing platform company
      - NVIDIA GPU latest technology & features update

      講者 Lecture: NVIDIA 技術講師 CK Lee

    • 2:30 PM 2:50 PM
      休息 Break 20m
    • 2:50 PM 3:50 PM
      七: 科學研究計算 Q & A


    • 3:50 PM 4:00 PM
      問卷調查 Questionnaire