The Account LInking SErvice ALISE implements the concept of site-local
account linking. For this a user can log in with one local account and
with any number of supported external accounts (e.g. Helmholtz-ID and
Google). The local account is on at an HPC centre, which also comprises
the Unix-User name.
Federated services can use this informatin whenever they need to map a
federated identity to a local Unix account at a computer centre.
Examples for this are http/webDAV file access. WeDAV supports Basic
Authentication, which is transported via an OIDC Access Token to convey
the federated users' identity. The server needs to store the uploaded data
with a specific account name, such that the same user could later access
the uploaded date from e.g. computing jobs on that same server.
Alise may be used to ask users for linking their federatd identity to a
local one, so that the webDAV server could find the users' corresponding
local unix ID.