Massively Distributed Computing and Citizen Sciences Session
- Randall SOBIE ()
Kilian Schwarz
(GSI Darmstadt)
, Dr
Ruediger Berlich
(Gemfony scientific UG (haftungsbeschraenkt))
15/03/2016, 14:00
Massively Distributed Computing and Citizen Sciences
Oral Presentation
The Geneva Library Collection was designed to allow parametric
optimization of demanding scientific and engineering problems in
distributed and parallel computing environments. It has been
successfully tested with a code relevant for hadron physics and is in
production use in the automotive industry. Scalability of Genevas
distributed execution model may be of particular importance...
Claire Adam-Bourdarios
15/03/2016, 14:30
Massively Distributed Computing and Citizen Sciences
Oral Presentation
The ATLAS collaboration has recently setup three outreach projects and global challenges which have a strong IT component and could not have been envisaged without the growth of general public computing resources and network connectivity.
HEP has exciting and difficult problems like the extraction of the Higgs boson signal, and at the same time data scientists have advanced algorithms. The...