5-10 March 2017
BHSS, Academia Sinica
Asia/Taipei timezone

A Proposal: ePortfolio for enhancing active learning for the future generation

8 Mar 2017, 16:20
Conf. Room 2 (BHSS, Academia Sinica)

Conf. Room 2

BHSS, Academia Sinica

No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences II


Prof. Maki Okunuki (Kansai University) Mr Masaki Watanabe (iGroup Japan) Dr Tosh Yamamoto (Kansai University) Dr Yuri Kite (Kansai University)


It is proposed that, the students’ meta-cognitive reflection being the key to learning, the development of the students’ expressive skills in writing literacy will, indeed, bring about a success in life after graduation. The four years of college education must fill up the “fuel tank of knowledge, wisdom, competencies and skills for lifelong learning”, which must not be depleted for over 40 years until retirement. By nurturing the students’ writing skills as the artifact or evidence for academic learning through meta-cognitive activities, is it possible to conduct the real education, producing graduates of high quality and caliber. The basic assumption of incorporating the development of writing skills in the college curriculum or program is for the propose of making our culture richer and elevating the value of our heritage for the benefit of the better future in terms of constructive and humanistic communication. It is seen that ePortfolio has potential to grow into such robust ICT enhanced system for the education in a new paradigm fulfilling the need for transdisciplinarity. This proposal is to put ePortfolio into a bigger picture in higher education, namely, in the realm of ePortfolio for academia, in which the process of learning leads to the benefit of career design and life-long learning. It cannot be denied that the proficiency in academic writing will bring students to a success in career as well as in the life long learning. In other words, the artifact in writing is the mirror of the learning mind. As the IFTF (Institute for the Future) claims that the 2020 skills include Global Awareness and Rich ICT, Media Literacy, as well as Digital Communication/ Presentation skills as the essential future skills, the mirror of the reflective learning mind incorporates not only the written information but also the rich media. Thus, the future education fortified with ePortfolio must also incorporate artifact of learning in rich media. While in the past, paper and a pencil were the optimal technologies to reflect the evidence for learning, digital media literacy has been becoming dominant due to the advancement of ICT. It is believed that the digital media have been providing us with richer ways of communication and presentation of the learning mind.

Primary author

Dr Tosh Yamamoto (Kansai University)


Prof. Maki Okunuki (Kansai University) Mr Masaki Watanabe (iGroup Japan) Dr Yuri Kite (Kansai University)

Presentation materials