Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
3/5/17, 9:00 AM
Sven Gabriel
3/5/17, 9:10 AM
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
3/5/17, 9:30 AM
Yuri Kite
(Kansai Univeristy)
3/5/17, 9:40 AM
Fyodor Yarochkin
(Academia Sinica)
3/5/17, 9:50 AM
Tomoki Furukawa
(Kansai University)
3/5/17, 9:50 AM
Kunio Hamamoto,
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
3/5/17, 10:00 AM
Ti-Chuang Timothy Chiang
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
3/5/17, 10:10 AM
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
3/5/17, 10:20 AM
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
3/5/17, 11:00 AM
Vincent Brillault
3/5/17, 11:00 AM
Oral Presentation
Sven Gabriel
3/5/17, 12:00 PM
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
3/5/17, 12:20 PM
Paul Millar
3/5/17, 2:00 PM
Jakob Blomer
3/5/17, 2:45 PM
Andrew Lahiff
3/5/17, 4:00 PM
Ben Couturier
3/5/17, 4:45 PM
Lewis Lancaster
(ECAI, UC Berkeley)
3/6/17, 9:00 AM
Chi-Yu Fu
(Academia Sinica)
3/6/17, 9:00 AM
Hal Thwaites
(Sunway University)
3/6/17, 9:30 AM
Derek Simmel
(Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center)
3/6/17, 9:40 AM
Wei-Hau Chang
(Academia Sinica)
3/6/17, 9:45 AM
David Blundell
(National Chengchi University)
3/6/17, 10:00 AM
(National Institute of Informatics)
3/6/17, 11:00 AM
Tyng-Ruey Chuang
(Academia Sinica)
3/6/17, 11:00 AM
Chuan-Yao Lin
(Academia Sinica)
3/6/17, 11:15 AM
Huang-Sin Syu
(Academia Sinica)
3/6/17, 11:20 AM
Jiang Wu
(University of Arizona)
3/6/17, 11:40 AM
Sang Un AHN
(Korea Institute of Science And Technology Information)
3/6/17, 11:45 AM
Cheah Shen Yap
3/6/17, 12:00 PM
Zhangquan WU
(The University Of Hong Kong)
3/6/17, 1:30 PM
Wayne de Fremery
(Sogang University)
3/6/17, 2:00 PM
(Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology)
3/6/17, 2:00 PM
Ven Miao Guang
(FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism)
3/6/17, 2:20 PM
Chao-Hong Liu
(ADAPT Centre Dublin City University Dublin)
3/6/17, 2:30 PM
Ven. Shih You Zai
(FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism)
3/6/17, 2:40 PM
Ven. Xianchao
(LongQuan Monastery)
3/6/17, 3:00 PM
Suhami Napis
(Universiti Putra Malaysia)
3/6/17, 3:30 PM
(Institut Teknologi Bandung)
3/6/17, 3:45 PM
Howie Lan
(ECAI, UC Berkeley)
3/6/17, 4:00 PM
Nam Thaoi
(Bach Khoa University)
3/6/17, 4:15 PM
3/6/17, 5:00 PM
3/7/17, 9:30 AM
Kento AIDA
(National Institute of Informatics)
3/7/17, 11:00 AM
Jose Maria Salvador Carazo
3/7/17, 11:00 AM
Gang Chen
(Institute Of High Energy Physics)
3/7/17, 11:15 AM
Sunny Wu
3/7/17, 11:45 AM
Eric Yen
3/7/17, 11:45 AM
Batzaya E.
(Mongolian Academy of Sciences)
3/7/17, 12:00 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
We mainly focus on our Cultural Heritages which are old Mongolian scripts, Birch bark, Paintings and many cultural, and agricultural treasures. Mongolian Academy of Sciences has been working on the projects about saving our national treasures. Also, we have experience and cooperation with foreign Institutes and local museums and libraries. In order to archive and digitize our cultural...
David Kelsey
3/7/17, 2:00 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Research Infrastructures increasingly use national and global “Research and Education” (R&E) authentication federations to provide access to their services. Collaborators log on using their home organization credentials, the Research Infrastructure (RI) enriches it with community information, and access decisions are made on its combined assertions. Studies in the AARC project have shown that...
Thomas Hahn
3/7/17, 2:00 PM
Towards a cloud-based computing and analysis framework to process environmental science big data
Eleonora Luppi
(University of Ferrara and INFN)
, Dr
Luca Tomassetti
(University of Ferrara and INFN)
, Dr
Sebastiano Fabio Schifano
(University of Ferrara and INFN)
3/7/17, 2:00 PM
Data Management & Big Data
Environmental sciences are quickly and increasingly adopting research methodologies based on data coming from satellites, large network of sensors installed on the ground or sea-floating stations, as well as from devices installed on balloons or aircraft. These networks produce a big amount of data that needs to be appropriately processed and analyzed to extract information useful for...
Rob Appleyard
3/7/17, 2:20 PM
Data Management & Big Data
Accounting for storage available and used is important to many communities using grids (and clouds). Several large grids came together to define the GLUE schema (Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment) in order to promote the interoperation and cross-grid use of the infrastructures. Ensuring consistency (across implementations and grids) and usefulness of the information published by these grids...
David Crooks
(University of Glasgow)
, Mr
Liviu Vâlsan
3/7/17, 2:20 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Security monitoring is an area of considerable interest for sites in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), particularly as we move as a community towards the use of a growing range of computing models and facilities. There is an increasingly large set of tools available for these purposes, many of which work in concert and use concepts drawn from the use of analytics for Big Data. The...
Jihn-Fa (Andy) Jan
(National Chengchi University)
3/7/17, 2:30 PM
Hannah Short
3/7/17, 2:40 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
As most are fully aware, cybersecurity attacks are an ever-growing problem as larger parts of our lives take place on-line. Distributed digital infrastructures are no exception and action has to be taken to both reduce the security risk and to handle security incidents when they inevitably happen. These activities are carried out by the various e-Infrastructures and it has become very clear in...
Patrick Fuhrmann
3/7/17, 2:40 PM
Data Management & Big Data
For the previous decade, high performance, high capacity Open Source storage systems have been designed and implemented, accommodating the demanding needs of the LHC experiments. However, with the general move away from the concept of local computer centers, supporting their associated communities, towards large infrastructures, providing Cloud-like solutions to a large variety of different...
Janet Tan
(National Chengchi University)
3/7/17, 3:00 PM
Sven Gabriel
, Mr
Vincent Brillault
3/7/17, 3:00 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Operational Security in Scientific distributed IT-Infrastructures
like EGI is challenging. Existing computation frameworks get further extended,
and new technologies implemented.
In this evolving environment new policies have to be developed, and existing
policies and procedures have constantly to be extended to meet new requirements.
To efficiently enforce new policies, the security...
Daniele Bonacorsi
(University of Bologna)
3/7/17, 3:00 PM
Data Management & Big Data
Tens of Petabytes of collision and simulated data have been collected and distributed across WLCG sites in Run-1 and Run-2 at LHC. A low latency in transfers among dozens of computing centres is crucial to make an efficient use of the computing resources. Despite on average the desired level of throughput has been successfully achieved to serve the LHC physics programs, it is not uncommon to...
Richard McClatchey
(University of the West of England, Bristol UK)
3/7/17, 4:00 PM
Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.)
In complex data analyses it is increasingly important to capture information about the usage of data sets in addition to their preservation over time in order to ensure reproducibility of results, to verify the work of others and to ensure appropriate conditions data have been used for specific analyses. Scientific workflow based studies are beginning to realize the benefit of capturing this...
Yayoi Mitsuda
(National Chi Nan University)
3/7/17, 4:00 PM
Fyodor Yarochkin
(Academia Sinica)
3/7/17, 4:00 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
In this presentation we will share our experience with analysing a year of grid network flow data. The network flow data provides only limited information regarding the nature of network traffic that traveled through the network segments. Therefore researchers need to come up with additional methods of anomaly detection, data enrichment and cross-referencing in order to effectively identify...
Takeshi Nishimura
(Project Researcher)
3/7/17, 4:30 PM
Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.)
With growing number of online services, identity federation is rapidly spreading, especially in the academic world. Identity federations have been established in many countries. In Japan, an academic identity federation called “GakuNin” is operated since 2010.
In identity federation, IdP can provide information about a user as attributes in addition to the authentication-related information....
Oliver Streiter
(National Kaohsiung University)
3/7/17, 4:30 PM
Aleksander Paravac
(University of Wuerzburg)
3/7/17, 4:30 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Monitoring your infrastructure is vital to ensure your services are running for your users in an Cloud or Grid environment.
Modern Monitoring Systems can not only check the health of your hardware but also the status of provided services or issues that are relevant to security.
In this talk an overview of Modern Monitoring Systems is given and how they interact, scale and integrate with...
James Morris
(National Chengchi University)
3/7/17, 5:00 PM
Arunachalam Bala
, Mr
Battepati Kalasagar
, Ms
Mangala N
3/7/17, 5:00 PM
Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.)
In this paper we are proposing an Application Programming Interface (API) framework that can integrate cloud computing functionalities with Sensors to provide the on-demand computational resources, dynamic storage allocation, and database for developing cloud enabled application for Internet of Things (IoT). The functions of IoT, ie internetworking of physical devices, vehicles, buildings...
Tian Yan
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China)
3/7/17, 5:00 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) is an institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences which explore elementary particle physics. The network of IHEP campus and data center connects about 1200 servers and 3000 PC clients. It supports IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, both of them has 10 Gbps internet access.
This report gives a brief introduction to the status of network security operations at IHEP....
David Abramson
(University of Queensland)
3/8/17, 9:00 AM
Oral Presentation
The rise of big data science has created new demands for modern computer systems. While floating performance has driven computer architecture and system design for the past few decades, there is renewed interest in the speed at which data can be ingested and processed. Early exemplars such as Gordon, the NSF funded system at the San Diego Supercomputing Centre, shifted the focus from pure...
Chih-hsun Lin
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Kazuya Ishida
(School Of Engineering, Osaka University)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Jays Samuel Combinido
(Department of Science and Technology -- Advanced Science and Technology Institute)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
li wang
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Mikael Trellet
(Utrecht University)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Choon Han Heh
(University of Malaya)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Cheng-Jen Lee
(IIS, Academia Sinica)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Tim Chou
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Hannah Short
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Josep Flix
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Deep Ayadi
(The Thin Page)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Yasuhiro Watashiba
(Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Aleš Křenek
(Masaryk University)
3/8/17, 9:45 AM
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/8/17, 10:30 AM
Chalee Vorakulpipat
3/8/17, 11:00 AM
The National e-Science Infrastructure Consortium was formed to collaboratively develop computing, data storage and fundamental datasets as a sustainable infrastructure to support research in Thailand. The computing resources are used to support research projects in the areas of Computational Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Water Resource, Energy and Environment...
3/8/17, 11:15 AM
Suhaimi NAPIS
3/8/17, 11:30 AM
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/8/17, 11:30 AM
Sang Un Ahn
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
3/8/17, 11:35 AM
3/8/17, 11:45 AM
Peter Banzon
3/8/17, 12:00 PM
Jose Maria Carazo Garcia
(National Center for Biotechnology - CNB - CSIC)
3/8/17, 1:45 PM
HARA Shoichiro
(Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University)
3/8/17, 2:00 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Construction of humanities databases have difficulties due to some reasons. First, construction process requires expert knowledge and techniques of database systems, which impedes database construction by humanities researchers. Second reason is diversity of resource media, which enriches the humanities researches but is an obstacle to metadata standardization, and brings about heterogeneous...
3/8/17, 2:00 PM
Ji-Ping Lin
(Academia Sinica)
3/8/17, 2:30 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Tthe research aims are threefold: to (1) demonstrate the methodology of data science in constructing Taiwan Indigenous Peoples open research Data (TIPD, see [enter link description here][1], and [enter link description here][2] based on Taiwan Household Registration (THR) administrative data; (2) to illustrate automated or semi-automated data...
M. James Shyu
(Chinese Culture University)
3/8/17, 3:00 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
The color appearance of heritage object may reveal not only its unique style but also its culture characteristics. However as time goes by, the color of the heritage object may be changed, for example, the exposure to sunlight may cause the color on the exterior of historical building to fade gradually. This study proposes a color estimation method to recover faded color based on spectral...
Hannah Short
3/8/17, 3:00 PM
Jose Maria Carazo Garcia
(National Center for Biotechnology - CNB - CSIC)
3/8/17, 3:30 PM
David J. Bodenhamer
(Indiana University-Purdue University)
3/8/17, 4:00 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Community Information Systems is a generic term that describes a wide range of methods to organize, manage, and disseminate community data for the purpose of increasing the capacity of citizens and organizations to participate effectively in decision-making. CIS is a growing phenomenon in the U.S., beginning in 2005 with a Brooking Institution report, National Infrastructure for Community...
Maki Okunuki
(Kansai University)
, Mr
Masaki Watanabe
(iGroup Japan)
, Dr
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
, Dr
Yuri Kite
(Kansai University)
3/8/17, 4:20 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
It is proposed that, the students’ meta-cognitive reflection being the key to learning, the development of the students’ expressive skills in writing literacy will, indeed, bring about a success in life after graduation. The four years of college education must fill up the “fuel tank of knowledge, wisdom, competencies and skills for lifelong learning”, which must not be depleted for over 40...
Josep Flix
3/8/17, 4:30 PM
Ankhtuya Ochirbat
(National Central University)
3/8/17, 4:40 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Students make initial and critical decisions regarding what to study further and which career path to pursue. Many students enter post-secondary education without a clear idea of their major and future career plans. Mismatch of the major choice and lack of processing information through the professional study is one of the reasons to switch the major. Such changes are wasteful in time and...
Jung-Hsin Lin
(Academia Sinica)
3/9/17, 9:00 AM
Oral Presentation
Xuebin Chi
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
3/9/17, 9:45 AM
John KAN
3/9/17, 11:00 AM
Sarat Chandra Babu NELATURU
(Centre For Development of Advanced Computing)
3/9/17, 11:25 AM
Glenn Moloney
(University of Melbourne)
3/9/17, 11:45 AM
Saqib Haleem
(National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan)
3/9/17, 12:05 PM
wenjing wu
3/9/17, 2:00 PM
Massively Distributed Computing and Citizen Sciences
The exploitation of volunteer computing resources has become a popular practice in the HEP (High Energy Physics) computing community as the huge amount of potential computing power it provides. ATLAS@home, as a pioneer project in this practice, uses the BOINC middleware to harness thousands of worldwide volunteer computers, has been harvesting a very considerable number of computing resources...
Alexandre Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/9/17, 2:00 PM
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Structure determination of complex molecular machines requires combination of an increasing number of experimental methods with highly specialized software geared towards each data source to properly handle the gathered data. Recently we introduced the two software packages PowerFit [1,2] and DisVis [3]. These combine high-resolution structures of atomic subunits with density maps from...
Fazhi QI
(Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS)
3/9/17, 2:00 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Network performance and security are important for HEP experiment data and information exchange. the Software Defined Network(SDN)
gives us a new idea and choice to design and implement a new network model to gurantee or improve the network performance and security. there are two SDN application projects in IHEP have been launched, SDN@WAN is focusing on the quality of HEP data transfer...
Saqib Haleem
(National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan)
3/9/17, 2:30 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
National Centre for Physics (NCP) in Pakistan, maintains a large computing infrastructure for scientific community, including a Teir-2 site of Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) and local scientific cluster. Need for IP address space has been increased, due to expansion of infrastructure, and adoption of Cloud technology for hosting virtual machines. On the other side, IPv4 address space is...
Ion I. Moraru
(UCONN Health)
3/9/17, 2:30 PM
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
NMRbox is a shared computational platform for NMR which aims to simplify and integrate the dissemination, maintenance, support, and application of NMR data processing and analysis software packages. From the NMRbox perspective, the collection of myriad tools has enabled (1) development of meta-packages that utilize multiple tools to accomplish complex tasks that are beyond the scope of...
Andrei Tsaregorodtsev
3/9/17, 2:30 PM
Massively Distributed Computing and Citizen Sciences
Multiple scientific communities are using computationally intensive applications in their research activities. They are largely relying on national and international distributed computing infrastructures, which are mostly based on well-known grid technologies. However, with a progressively wide adoption of the cloud technologies more and more computing power is available in a form of groups of...
Tsyr-Yan Yu
(Inst. of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica)
3/9/17, 3:00 PM
To harness the resolving power of high-field NMR spectroscopy, non-uniform sampling (NUS) methods and efficient data reconstruction methods are absolutely required to obtain NMR spectra at otherwise unreachable spectral resolution in indirect dimensions. I will describe necessity of NUS methods in high-field NMR spectroscopy and my experience using the methods developed by Wagner laboratory at...
Wen-Tzong Liang
(Academia Sinica)
3/9/17, 3:00 PM
Oral Presentation
Taiwan is located at seismically highly active area that geologists called the convergent plate boundary between the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate. To bring seismology in a simple way to citizens at school and home, we are incorporating the research-based Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) program into an educational seismic network that is maintained by teachers in tens of high schools...
TumeUlzii Naranmandakh
(Communications Regulatory Commission, Mongolia)
3/9/17, 3:00 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
- List item
1.1.ICT Sector policy and Regultions
1.2.Results of IPv6 Survey
2.IPv6 deployment,challenges and current initiatives
2.1.1.Policy and regulation
2.1.2.IPv6 deployment for Industry and Business
2.1.3.Security Considerations in IPv4 to IPv6 Migration
3. Mongolia Industry Case Studies
4. IPv6 Deployment and Infrastructure Security Training for Mongolia
Jose Maria Carazo Garcia
(National Center for Biotechnology - CNB - CSIC)
3/9/17, 3:20 PM
Modern electron microscopes equipped with direct electron detectors are nowadays providing 2D images (“micrographs”) with quasi atomic resolution. However, the way from 2D image collection to the calculation of accurate structural maps showing the electrostatic potential of biological macromolecules demands complex image processing operations, involving many local optimizers. Naturally, the...
Haili XIAO
(Supercomputing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
3/9/17, 4:00 PM
Supercomputing, High Throughput, Accelerator Technologies and Integrations
Public grids (WLCG, OSG, XSEDE2) provide huge computing resources to scientific users all around the world, those services are continuously and constantly evolving for the last 20 years. In the mean while, recently public clouds show great interest in HPC besides its traditional IaaS/PaaS/SaaS market. Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Ali all have their own HPC cloud solutions. As...
Antonio Rosato
(University of Florence)
3/9/17, 4:00 PM
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
A key computational technique in Structural Biology is Molecular Dynamics (MD), a computer simulation of the motion of atoms and molecules as a function of time. MD simulations capture the behavior of biological macromolecules in full atomic detail using statistical thermodynamics laws. Such simulations serve as a computational microscope, revealing biomolecular mechanisms at various spatial...
Catalin Condurache
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
3/9/17, 4:00 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
The CernVM-FS is firmly established as a method of software and condition data distribution for the LHC experiments at WLCG sites. Use of CernVM-FS outside WLCG has been growing steadily and an increasing number of Virtual Organizations (VOs), both within the High Energy Physics (HEP) and in other communities (i.e. Space, Natural and Life Sciences), have identified this technology as a more...
Wataru Takase
3/9/17, 4:20 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
In order to check health, activities, or resource usage of IT service, monitoring is indispensable. A combination of Kibana and ElasticSearch is used for monitoring in many places such as KEK, CC-IN2P3, CERN, and also non-HEP communities. Kibana provides a web interface for rich visualization and ElasticSearch is a scalable distributed search engine. However, these tools do not support...
Marco Verlato
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sez. di Padova, Italy)
3/9/17, 4:30 PM
Supercomputing, High Throughput, Accelerator Technologies and Integrations
While accelerated computing instances providing access to NVIDIA GPUs are already available since a couple of years in commercial public clouds like Amazon EC2, the EGI Federated Cloud has put in production its first OpenStack-based site providing GPU-equipped instances at the end of 2015. However, many EGI sites which are providing GPUs or MIC co-processors to enable high performance...
Eva Hladka
(Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
3/9/17, 4:30 PM
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
In this paper, we present the workflow for evaluation of brain functional connectivity with different community detection algorithms, and their strengths to discriminate between health and brain disease. We further analyze the computational complexity of particular pipeline steps aiming to provide guidelines for both its execution on computing infrastructure and further optimization...
Paul Millar
3/9/17, 4:40 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
For over a decade, X509 Proxy Certificates are used in High Energy Physics (HEP) to authenticate users and guarantee their membership in
Virtual Organizations, on which subsequent authorization, e.g. for
data access, is based upon. Although the established infrastructure
worked well and provided sufficient security, the implementation of
procedures and the underlying software is often...
Lihshyang Chen
(National Cheng Kung University)
3/9/17, 5:00 PM
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Human anatomy is the basic scientific study for students in medical schools to learn the shape, position, size, and various relationships of the organ structures in the human body. In this paper, we make use of the images produced by the Visible Human Project (VHP) that are free for access through the internet to develop a 2D and 3D anatomy learning system for the students in medical schools...
Eisaku Sakane
(National Institute of Informatics)
3/9/17, 5:00 PM
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
With the growth of large-scale distributed computing infrastructures,
a system that enables researchers -- not only international
collaborative research projects but also small research groups -- to
use high performance computing resources in such infrastructures is
established. For the computing resource use system which invites
researchers in the world to submit the research proposal,...
Shaun de Witt
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
3/9/17, 5:00 PM
Supercomputing, High Throughput, Accelerator Technologies and Integrations
As data volumes grow rapidly in the science domain, the ability to process this data efficiently is becoming increasingly of interest. While in many applications the processing of very large volumes can be accomplished efficiently with map/reduce algorithms (e.g., using frameworks such as Hadoop), this does not cover a large class of problems which are best run in an HPC environment. This...
Tomoe Kishimoto
(The University of Tokyo)
3/10/17, 9:00 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
The Tokyo Tier-2 site, which is located in International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP) at the University of Tokyo, is providing computer resources for the ATLAS experiment in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). The official site operation in the WLCG was started in 2007 after the several years development since 2002, and the site has been achieving a stable operation...
Yu-Huang Wang
3/10/17, 9:00 AM
Oral Presentation
Information on the variability of environment and biodiversity is essential for conservation management. In recent years, soundscape monitoring has been proposed as a new approach to assess the dynamics of biodiversity. Soundscape is the collection of biological sound, environmental sound, and anthropogenic noise, which provide us the essential information regarding the nature environment,...
Marco Verlato
3/10/17, 9:00 AM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
The Cloud Area Padovana is an OpenStack-based scientific cloud, spread across two different sites - the INFN Padova Unit and the INFN Legnaro National Labs - located 10 km away but connected with a dedicated 10 Gbps optical link. In the last two years its hardware resources have been scaled horizontally by adding new ones: currently it provides about 1100 logical cores and 50 TB of storage....
Yu-Huang Wang
(Independent Scholar)
3/10/17, 9:30 AM
Lisa Zangrando
(INFN - Sez. Padova)
3/10/17, 9:30 AM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
Managing resource allocation in a Cloud based data center serving multiple virtual organizations is a challenging issue. In fact, while the LRMS (Local Resource Management Systems) are able to maximize the resource usage by fairly distributing computing resources among different user groups according to specific policies imposed by the data centre administrator, this is not so straightforward...
Jiaheng Zou
(IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
3/10/17, 9:30 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
IHEP computing center serves for many high energy physics experiments. We have more than 13,000 CPU cores and hundreds of active users. There are tens of thousands jobs per day. We divide users into many groups classically according to which experiment they belong to. And each computing node is privately owned by one group. The peak requirements of different groups are not coincident in...
Eric Yen
, Mr
Felix Lee
3/10/17, 10:00 AM
Oral Presentation
Jay Samuel Combinido
(Advanced Science and Technology Institute)
3/10/17, 10:00 AM
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Rainfall variability is a key feature of climate. Understanding rainfall distribution over space and time is particularly of interest because it impacts several aspects of human activities. It has been known that rainfall variations in the Philippines is influenced by an interplay of various synoptic systems affecting the country -- southwest and northeast monsoons, easterlies and tropical...
Hongmei Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China)
3/10/17, 10:00 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
IHEP manages a number of China’s major scientific facilities, including BEPC, BES, BSRF, HXMT, ADS ,JUNO, CSNS, CEPC, the International Cosmic-Ray Observatory at Yangbajing in Tibet, the Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment etc. Data generated by these facilities is processed in IHEP data center.
There are many computing resources in IHEP data center, including cloud computing resources, local...
Alexandar Mechev
(Sterrewacht Leiden)
3/10/17, 10:50 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
The Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) radio telescope stationed near Exloo, the Netherlands is an international aperture synthesis radio telescope developed to image the universe in the 20-200MHz frequency bands. Unlike telescopes using dishes or mirrors to focus light, aperture synthesis requires large amounts of processing between data acquisition and creating science ready images. While data can...
John White
3/10/17, 10:50 AM
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
EISCAT_3D will establish a system of distributed phased array radars that will enable comprehensive
three-dimensional vector observations of the atmosphere and ionosphere above Northern Fenno-
The use of new radar technology, combined with the latest digital signal processing,
will achieve ten times higher temporal and spatial resolution than obtained by present radars...
Yaodong CHENG
3/10/17, 10:50 AM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
As a new approach to manage resource, virtualization technology is more and more widely applied in high energy physics field. We have built virtual computing cluster at IHEP based on Openstack, with HTCondor as the job management system. In traditional computing cluster, fixed number of slots are pre-allocated to the job queue of different experiments. However, this kind of policy has...
Radim Janča
3/10/17, 11:10 AM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
The Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) – a standard released by the Open Grid Forum – has found wide adoption. First came, quite naturally, server-side components. Later, with a variety of attractive computing resources made available over the standardized protocol, user-side submission tools or science gateways followed. These are usually tailored with a specific use case in mind, and – as...
Alberto Masoni
(INFN National Institute of Nuclear Physics)
3/10/17, 11:20 AM
CAGLIARI 2020 is a 25 million euro project funded within the framework of the National Operational Program for Research and competitiveness of the Italian Ministry of Education University and Research.
The project starts end 2016 with a duration of three years. The partnership includes public and private organisms of the South Sardinia for the development of ICT technologies aimed at...
Matti Heikkurinen
3/10/17, 11:20 AM
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Environmental computing is focusing on producing actionable knowledge by advanced environmental modelling on high performance computing platforms. The environmental computing community shares a tacit understanding of what are the initiatives, tools and approaches that belong to the core scope of this discipline. A website has been used as an interim community resource for collecting links to...
Battepati Kalasagar
3/10/17, 11:30 AM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
There are thousands of organizations and large corporates involved in research and product development , which generate a huge number of different varieties of intellectual properties (IPs). Once these organizations reach a certain level of maturity, it becomes very important to organize and categorize different IPs. In this paper, we describe CDAC CloudIPStore, which is a SaaS (Software as a...
Chuan Yao Lin
(Academia Sinica)
3/10/17, 11:50 AM
Yin Chen
3/10/17, 11:50 AM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
The use of cloud computing for scientific research is on the rise: majority of scientific projects and communities are either already using clouds to store, share and process research data, or considering/implementing the transition to clouds. The EGI Federated Cloud offers a scalable, flexible and highly customisable platform to cater for researchers' needs. The EGI Federated Cloud is a...
Richard Marciano
(University of Maryland)
3/10/17, 12:20 PM
Oral Presentation
The large-scale digitization of analog archives, the emerging diverse forms of born-digital archives, and the new ways in which researchers across disciplines (as well as the public) wish to engage with archival material, are resulting in disruptions to transitional archival theories and practices. Increasing quantities of ‘big archival data’ present challenges for the practitioners and...
Tsyr-Yan YU
(Academia Sinica)
John Robert Mendoza
(Advanced Science and Technology Institute)
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Poster Presentation
Meteorological observations are vital for scientific research, for weather monitoring and weather-related decision making. Such data sources act as support for several applications relating to agriculture, aviation, early warning, weather prediction, and disaster mitigation. In the last four years, the Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) has deployed over 1600 ground stations...
Gerry Bagtasa
(Institute of Environmental Science & Meteorology, University of the Philippines)
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
In the Philippines, rain is the most important weather parameter. In particular, convective rain or cumulonimbus clouds make up majority of precipitation during the Asian southwest monsoon season. Aside from the hazards associated with intense rainfall, crop productivity of rain-fed agricultural farms relies on the onset and amount of seasonal precipitation. This study explores the...
Li Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China)
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Poster Presentation
High energy physics network computing environment has the characteristics of complex and heterogeneous, and the projects researched by high energy physics are mostly carried out in the way of international cooperation. These factors increase the complexity of the management infrastructure and application services system. Therefore, reasonable and efficient management of resources, taking into...
John Christian Lequiron
(Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City)
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Changes in air surface temperature plays an important role in the Philippine’s economy, industry, health, and food production. While increasing global mean temperature in the recent several decades has prompted a number of climate change and variability studies in the Philippines, most studies still focus on rainfall and tropical cyclones. This study aims to investigate the trend and...
Jeremy Coles
(University of Cambridge)
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
GridPP has been a core member of the WLCG since its inception. In recent years various pressures have led to an increased focus on sharing GridPP resources and supporting new communities outside of the LHC experiments and beyond HEP. The first part of this paper brings together a review of the current approaches within GridPP to harness traditional resources for these ‘other’ Virtual...
Kunio Hamamoto
(Kansai University)
, Mr
Masaki Watanabe
(iGroup Japan)
, Dr
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University)
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Poster Presentation
The purpose of this presentation is to share with the academic audience, the KU’s experience of implementing GradeAnything® by TurnItIn® to the basic math remedial courses in the departments of Science and Engineering.
The students were issued a review assignment in the form of paper in every class. After the class, the students solved the math problems on the paper. Then they took a...
Tim Chou
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Data Management & Big Data
Poster Presentation
The Scientific Data and Computing Center (SDCC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is a major scientific data storage site with more than 90 PB of archived experimental data, which amount is supposed to grow exponentially during the next several years in connection with the newly emerging enormous storage needs of ATLAS – one of the four particle physics experiments based at the Large...
Manzoor Ahmad
(National Centre for Physics, Islamabad)
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Our world is changing so fast. We have to adopt this change and act according to the new technologies quickly. Many of the biggest world recognized companies are no longer in the business just because they did not act quickly to adopt the new changing in technologies. Nokia is the example of this. Today, cloud computing has revolutionized Information Technology field. It is the emerging...
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Poster Presentation
High energy physics experiments produce huge amounts of raw data, while because of the sharing characteristics of the network resources, there is no guarantee of the available bandwidth for each experiment which may cause link competition problems. On the other side, with the development of cloud computing technologies,IHEP have established a cloud platform based on OpenStack which can ensure...
Josep Flix
Poster Presentation
This contribution reviews ten years of operations at the Spanish WLCG Tier-1 centre at Port d'Informació Científica (PIC), which serves the ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments. The implementation and the integration of all the components at the site, the reliability levels, and the resource usage will be displayed, as well as the current challenges and the ones that are expected for the next years...
Deep Ayadi
(The Thin Page)
Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.)
Poster Presentation
In last 30 years, Nepal is hit by a wide-ranging variety of natural disasters that shook the nation. That has caused loss of thousands of life and million worth property. Floods occur with the greatest frequency all over the Nepal. Flooding is followed by landslides, forest fire, thunderstorm etc. Occurrence of these disaster is not known spatially and temporally and need to be prepared when...
Wei-Hau Chang
(Academia Sinica)
Aleš Křenek
(Masaryk University)
Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.)
Poster Presentation
Web portals became a popular interface to complicated workflows of scientific
computation in many areas due to their ability to shield the user from the
complexity of the workflow implementation and control of the used computing
On the other hand, implementation of such web portal itself involves
rather complicated technology, which becomes difficult to operate and...
Frank Liu
(National Sun Yat-Sen University)
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Open Data is becoming a "fashion" and a trend in the field of data science is built upon the availability of big data provided by the public and private sectors. While data scientists have been urging and demanding the government to publicize data with the "value-adding" rationale, it has been little discussion and reflection about the data supply side, not the government but the citizen. This...