- Kento Aida (NII)
Richard McClatchey
(University of the West of England, Bristol UK)
07/03/2017, 16:00
Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.)
In complex data analyses it is increasingly important to capture information about the usage of data sets in addition to their preservation over time in order to ensure reproducibility of results, to verify the work of others and to ensure appropriate conditions data have been used for specific analyses. Scientific workflow based studies are beginning to realize the benefit of capturing this...
Takeshi Nishimura
(Project Researcher)
07/03/2017, 16:30
Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.)
With growing number of online services, identity federation is rapidly spreading, especially in the academic world. Identity federations have been established in many countries. In Japan, an academic identity federation called “GakuNin” is operated since 2010.
In identity federation, IdP can provide information about a user as attributes in addition to the authentication-related information....
Arunachalam Bala
, Mr
Battepati Kalasagar
, Ms
Mangala N
07/03/2017, 17:00
Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.)
In this paper we are proposing an Application Programming Interface (API) framework that can integrate cloud computing functionalities with Sensors to provide the on-demand computational resources, dynamic storage allocation, and database for developing cloud enabled application for Internet of Things (IoT). The functions of IoT, ie internetworking of physical devices, vehicles, buildings...