Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation II
- Tomoaki Nakamura (KEK)
Yaodong CHENG
10/03/2017, 10:50
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
As a new approach to manage resource, virtualization technology is more and more widely applied in high energy physics field. We have built virtual computing cluster at IHEP based on Openstack, with HTCondor as the job management system. In traditional computing cluster, fixed number of slots are pre-allocated to the job queue of different experiments. However, this kind of policy has...
Radim Janča
10/03/2017, 11:10
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
The Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) – a standard released by the Open Grid Forum – has found wide adoption. First came, quite naturally, server-side components. Later, with a variety of attractive computing resources made available over the standardized protocol, user-side submission tools or science gateways followed. These are usually tailored with a specific use case in mind, and – as...
Battepati Kalasagar
10/03/2017, 11:30
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
There are thousands of organizations and large corporates involved in research and product development , which generate a huge number of different varieties of intellectual properties (IPs). Once these organizations reach a certain level of maturity, it becomes very important to organize and categorize different IPs. In this paper, we describe CDAC CloudIPStore, which is a SaaS (Software as a...
Yin Chen
10/03/2017, 11:50
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
The use of cloud computing for scientific research is on the rise: majority of scientific projects and communities are either already using clouds to store, share and process research data, or considering/implementing the transition to clouds. The EGI Federated Cloud offers a scalable, flexible and highly customisable platform to cater for researchers' needs. The EGI Federated Cloud is a...