Running Identity Federation Services on Containers and K8s

23 Mar 2021, 13:45
Conf. Room 3 (ASGC)

Conf. Room 3


Oral Presentation APGridPMA Meeting


Mr Muhammad Farhan Sjaugi (Perdana University)


Since 2018, SIFULAN Malaysian Access Federation (SIFULAN) has been operating in production mode by using Virtualization Machine (VM) to run several identity federation services. As the federation grows, SIFULAN plans to offer IdP-as-a-service to the existing and potential future members as an additional service. However, the current infrastructure setup has some limitations to support the plan as multi-tenant services were not part of the initial infrastructure design. Hence, SIFULAN migrated its federation infrastructure from a VM based to a container-based infrastructure and use Kubernetes (K8s) as the orchestration manager for the containers. This talk will share how SIFULAN migrated and runs Identity Federation services on containers/K8s and provides some ideas on how a multi-tenant IdP could be run on containers/K8s.

Presentation materials