Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/22/21, 9:00 AM
David Crooks
Jouke Roorda
, Dr
Sven Gabriel
3/22/21, 9:00 AM
Oral Presentation
A typical situation security teams encounter is to find out whether they are possibly a victim of an ongoing security incident spreading in, or across infrastructures.
To decide whether your resources are affected by the incident you basically face two problems:
• How to share sensitive information, like Indicators of Compromise (IoCs).
• How to efficiently use the available...
Daniel Kouril
(Masaryk University)
3/22/21, 11:00 AM
Oral Presentation
With the uptake of different virtualization technologies also in traditional data processing workflows the security landscape gets increasingly heterogeneous. Container technology allows users and user communities to easily ship complex data processing environments to the federated resources. While using containers adds a lot of flexibility for the resource usage, it also increases the...
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/22/21, 11:00 AM
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/22/21, 1:30 PM
Brian Jiménez-García
(University of Utrecht)
3/22/21, 2:30 PM
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/22/21, 3:00 PM
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/22/21, 4:15 PM
Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
(Utrecht University)
3/22/21, 5:00 PM
Ludek Matyska
Simon C. Lin
, Prof.
Yuan-Hann Chang
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
3/23/21, 9:00 AM
Bob Jones
3/23/21, 9:10 AM
Oral Presentation
Over the past years, numerous policy makers from around the world have articulated a clear and consistent vision of global Open Science as a driver for enabling a new paradigm of transparent, data-driven science as well as accelerating innovation. In Europe, this vision is being realised through an ambitious programme under the heading of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The EOSC will...
Felix Lee
3/23/21, 10:30 AM
Oral Presentation
Jung-Hsin Lin
(Academia Sinica)
3/23/21, 10:30 AM
Oral Presentation
Sang Un Ahn
(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
3/23/21, 10:45 AM
Oral Presentation
Tinwee Tan
(National Supercomputing Center of Singapore)
3/23/21, 11:00 AM
Oral Presentation
Yu-Chen Wang
(National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei Tech)
3/23/21, 11:00 AM
Health & Life Sciences (including COVID-19) Applications
Oral Presentation
In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 since it broke out globally, the related studies have recommended maintaining a social distance of 1.5 meters, which avoids mass gatherings in order to reduce the spread of the epidemic by reducing contact between infected and uninfected persons. The implementation of relevant strategies not only affects the behavior pattern of the crowd in the open...
Gang Chen
(Institute Of High Energy Physics)
3/23/21, 11:15 AM
Oral Presentation
David Groep
3/23/21, 11:15 AM
Oral Presentation
Chalee Vorakulpipat
3/23/21, 11:30 AM
Oral Presentation
Brian Jiménez-García
(University of Utrecht)
3/23/21, 11:30 AM
Health & Life Sciences (including COVID-19) Applications
Oral Presentation
Structural biology aims at characterizing the structural (atomic coordinates) and dynamic (fluctuation of atomic coordinates over time) properties of biological macromolecules. Gaining insight into 3D structures of biomolecules is critical for understanding the vast majority of cellular processes, with direct application in health and food sciences.
Since 2010, the **WeNMR** project...
Tommoya Ikezawa
(Asia University)
, Dr
Tosh Yamamoto
(Kansai University, CTL)
3/23/21, 1:00 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Oral Presentation
Academia has been promoting Academic Integrity. With the Pandemic, Academic Integrity has been more and more important due to online education. Students have more opportunities to write term papers or reports as evidence or artifact of their learning. It is now essential that students write papers guaranteed by originality. There is no question about it. On the other hand, papers that passed...
(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
3/23/21, 1:00 PM
The Sentinel Asia (SA) is a voluntary initiative led by the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF), established in 2005 as a collaboration between space agencies and disaster management agencies, applying remote sensing and Web-GIS technologies to assist disaster management in the Asia-Pacific region. It provides and shares disaster information in near-real-time across the...
Yash Bitla
(Don Bosco Institute of Technology)
3/23/21, 1:20 PM
Compression is a course used by numerous applications and techniques to make data transfer
laidback and swift. Similarly, there are different types of data shared across such as text and image almost
every second of our lives. However, with the growing number of working applications and users the
compression techniques are limited and yet to explore and deploy. Hence, we tried to come up...
Otgonsuvd Badrakh
(Mongolian Academy of Sciences)
3/23/21, 1:20 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Oral Presentation
We started a color experiment, which is tried to study the quality of colorants and color fading in ancient buildings. This long-term color measurement can be used to determine how the colorants change by environmental influence, and to develop the methodology for such analysis will predict the initial object color. This will allow the cultural heritage to be restored by its original color, as...
Simone Rossi Tisbeni
3/23/21, 1:40 PM
With the upcoming start of Run-3, and especially Run-4, the amount of data managed by the WLCG data centres is expected to massively increase. In this context the importance of using efficient routines for the analysis of the incoming data is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the HEP experiments. The actionable data that is available for the analysis also include the logging data...
Wei-Jie Pan
(National Taipei University of Technology)
3/23/21, 1:40 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Oral Presentation
During the outbreak of COVID-19, strict preventive measures have been taking in all countries, such as city lockdown that makes the working, production, school activities being suspended, as well as the flight restrictions in some areas, while people are encouraged to implementing home isolation to prevent the further spread of the epidemic. Therefore, this condition has affected people’s...
Muhammad Farhan Sjaugi
(Perdana University)
3/23/21, 1:45 PM
Oral Presentation
Since 2018, SIFULAN Malaysian Access Federation (SIFULAN) has been operating in production mode by using Virtualization Machine (VM) to run several identity federation services. As the federation grows, SIFULAN plans to offer IdP-as-a-service to the existing and potential future members as an additional service. However, the current infrastructure setup has some limitations to support the plan...
Tommaso Tedeschi
(University and INFN, Perugia (Italy))
3/23/21, 2:00 PM
In the near future, High Energy Physics experiments’ storage and computing needs will go far above what can be achieved by only scaling current computing models or current infrastructures. Considering the LHC case, for 10 years a federated infrastructure (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid, WLCG) has been successfully developed. Nevertheless, the High Luminosity (HL-LHC) scenario is forcing the WLCG...
Lan Vu Hong
(National Taipei University of Technology)
3/23/21, 2:00 PM
Oral Presentation
The year 2020 strikes with the ferocious COVID-19, regulation, and restriction are active to mitigate the spread but simultaneously causing massive behavioral change globally. This year, the lack of tourists has caused critical damage to tourism, and people lose an entertainment activity although it is temporary. New habit formation after the pandemic requires investigation and simulation, so...
Eisaku Sakane
(National Institute of Informatics)
3/23/21, 2:05 PM
Oral Presentation
Otgonsuvd Badrakh
(Mongolian Academy of Sciences)
3/23/21, 3:00 PM
Earth/Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Oral Presentation
The capital city Ulaanbaatar is one of the most polluted city in the world. The government are looking for suited solution decreasing the air pollution, but it could not work out efficiency. Air pollution is contained from various components like particulate matter (PM) , gaseous pollutants like ozone, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and other organic...
Cheng-Yen Lin
(National Taipei University of Technology)
3/23/21, 3:00 PM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
People are the main users of cities, the development of cities is mainly to meet people's service needs and create different user experiences. Therefore, understanding users' behaviors, movements, directions, observation and data collection of different aggregation modes in urban space has always been an important issue in developing smart cities in the future. Under the background of the...
Shiau-Ting Wang
(Department of Interaction Design, National Taipei University of Technology)
3/23/21, 3:20 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Oral Presentation
Path, Edges, Districts, Nodes, and Landmark are the five elements of legibility that contribute to our ability to create, maintain, images of a place suggested by Lynch. Districts are the medium-to-large sections of the city conceived as having two-dimensional extents, which the observer mentally enters inside of and which are recognizable as having some common identifying character. Our...
Antonio Di Pilato
(University of Bari and INFN Bari)
3/23/21, 3:30 PM
Earth/Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Oral Presentation
In the last few years, Earth observation has known a significant growth due to both the increased number of satellite launched into orbit and the augmented data production capabilities provided by new sensors on board. However, processing this huge amount of data is becoming a crucial problem that require innovative solutions both on board, where the amount of mass memory storage is very...
Stephen Parsons
(University of Kentucky)
3/23/21, 3:40 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Oral Presentation
Virtual unwrapping is a software pipeline for the noninvasive recovery of texts inside damaged manuscripts or scrolls via the analysis of three dimensional tomographic data, typically X-ray micro-CT. Recent advancements to the virtual unwrapping pipeline include the use of trained models to perform the “texturing” phase, where the content written upon a surface is extracted from the 3D volume...
(University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Italy)
3/23/21, 4:00 PM
Earth/Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Oral Presentation
The processing of aerial high-resolution images is key for territorial mapping and change detection analysis in hydro-geomorphological high-risk areas. A new method has been developed in the context of \CLOSE (Close to the Earth)" project, resulting in a work
ow based on open source MicMac photogrammetric suite and on High-Performance Computing. The workflow allowed to process a sequence of...
Rajesh Kumar Gnanasekaran
(The University of Maryland)
3/23/21, 4:00 PM
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Oral Presentation
In a world presently mired in cascading lockdowns resulting from the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, physical learning, communication, and collaboration have taken a colossal hit. Virtual access has become the need-of-the-hour, and the uses of cloud-based course content delivery, distance learning, and document collaboration are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. This paper introduces a novel...
Kohei Cho
(Tokai University)
3/24/21, 9:00 AM
Oral Presentation
In 2016, Tokai University initiated a project call “Constructing glocal
monitoring system for safe and secure society”. “Glocal” is the cointed
word of “global” and “local”. The main concept of the project is to connect
the global monitoring system using satellite observation with the local
monitoring system using SNS for monitoring disasters and environmental
changes. The...
Qingbao Hu
3/24/21, 10:30 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
At IHEP Computing Center, there are thousands of nodes managed by the htcondor scheduler, with about 12,000 cores, and these nodes provide computing services for multiple experimental groups. In the process of job scheduling, some work nodes will cause jobs abnormal due to some service exception. Under the traditional scheduling method, these abnormal nodes will continue to devour jobs, like...
Carmel Walsh
(Australian Research Data Commons, ARDC)
3/24/21, 10:30 AM
Oral Presentation
3/24/21, 10:30 AM
Basuki Suhardiman
3/24/21, 10:45 AM
Oral Presentation
Eric YEN
3/24/21, 10:50 AM
Andrei Tsaregorodtsev
(Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)
3/24/21, 10:55 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The EGI Workload Manager Service (WMS) is based on the DIRAC Interware and is part of the EOSC Project service catalog. The service provides access to various computing resources of the EGI infrastructure to various scientific communities in Europe and in the world. Different kinds of computing resources can be connected to the Manager: HTC/grid resources, cloud resources or standalone...
Kento Aida
(National Institute of Informatics)
3/24/21, 11:00 AM
Oral Presentation
Chuan-Yao Lin
(Academia Sinica)
3/24/21, 11:00 AM
Wataru Takase
3/24/21, 11:20 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The Computing Research Center at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) provides various IT services, such as email, WiFi network, data analysis system, etc. A user submits paper application forms to apply those services. Moreover, some services require endorsement by a KEK staff. From the Computing Research Center point of view, we receive applications from many users every day....
J. Adinarayana
3/24/21, 1:00 PM
Hao Hu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
3/24/21, 1:00 PM
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) in Beijing is the first national light source of high-energy synchrotron radiation in China, and will be one of the world's brightest fourth-generation synchrotron radiation facilities.
Doubtless data are of crucial importance for the scientific discoveries made in the experiments at HEPS. According to the estimated data rates, we predict 30 PB raw...
David Kelsey
3/24/21, 1:00 PM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
As most are fully aware, cybersecurity attacks are an ever-growing problem as larger parts of our lives take place on-line. Distributed digital infrastructures are no exception and action must be taken to both reduce the security risk and to handle security incidents when they inevitably happen. These activities are carried out by the various e-Infrastructures and in recent years a successful...
Andrey Kiryanov
(NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
3/24/21, 1:20 PM
The evolution of the computing facilities and the way storage will be organized and consolidated will play a key role in how this possible shortage of resources will be addressed by the LHC experiments. The need for an effective distributed data storage has been identified as fundamental from the beginning of LHC, and this topic has became particularly vital in the light of the preparation for...
Jeroen Buters
3/24/21, 1:20 PM
Jouke Roorda
3/24/21, 1:30 PM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Centralizing (and visualizing) what is happening at a compute site enjoys ongoing effort from both industry and the community. An established example is include the ELK stack, importing, storing and visualizing logs, while more recently traffic analysis has gotten more and more attention - especially from WLCG.
At Nikhef, we have attempted to create a reasonable, recreatable SOC design...
Anudari Batsaikhan
3/24/21, 1:35 PM
Oral Presentation
Citizen Science is nowadays used in various fields, such as history, health, natural disaster management and ecology. BAYSICS (Bavarian Citizen Science Information Platform for Climate Research and Science Communication) is a multidisciplinary project from Bavaria, in the south-eastern part of Germany. Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) is responsible for the development and maintenance of...
Tim Wetzel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
3/24/21, 1:40 PM
The German Helmholtz Association consists of 19 research institutes distributed over Germany, covering a wide variety of research topics ranging from particle and material physics over cancer research to marine biology. In order to stimulate collaborations between different centres, Helmholtz established so-called incubator platforms. One of those platforms, HIFIS, aims to provide the...
Riccardo Di Maria
3/24/21, 2:00 PM
Oral Presentation
The European-funded ESCAPE project will prototype a shared solution to computing challenges in the context of the European Open Science Cloud. It targets Astronomy and Particle Physics facilities and research infrastructures and focuses on developing solutions for handling Exabyte scale datasets.
The DIOS work package aims at delivering a Data Infrastructure for Open Science. Such an...
(San Diego Supercomputer Center)
3/24/21, 2:00 PM
David Crooks
, Mr
Liviu Valsan
3/24/21, 2:00 PM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The information security threats currently faced by the research community are not only sophisticated, but also in many instances highly profitable for the actors involved. Evidence suggests that targeted organisations take on average more than six months to detect a cyber attack; the more sophisticated the attack, the more likely it is that it will pass undetected for longer. Enabling sites...
Daniele Bonacorsi
(University of Bologna)
3/25/21, 9:00 AM
Oral Presentation
(EGI Foundation)
3/25/21, 9:40 AM
Oral Presentation
The presentation will provide a perspective on how distributed computing has been instrumental to make groundbreaking scientific discoveries possible, and how the opening of computing infrastructures at international level has been effective in delivering unprecedented compute capacity and advance data analytics tools to international research collaborations.
The presentation will provide...
Zhongtian Liang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
3/25/21, 10:30 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The Institute of high energy physics is operating and launching many large science facilities in China, such as BEPCII in Beijing, CSNS in Guangdong and JUNO in Shenzhen. These large science facilities are facing many network security threats. How to detect and prevent these threats is becoming important.
The domain name system is the cornerstone of Internet services, and most network...
Tso-Ren WU
(National Central University)
3/25/21, 10:30 AM
Wang Jiarong
3/25/21, 10:50 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The continued growth of cybersecurity incidents calls for effective cybersecurity monitoring solutions. The operation of security operation centers (SOCs) is the recommended best practice to which large and medium-size enterprises rely for the detection, notification, and ultimately response to cybersecurity incidents. However, traditional SOCs using passive defense can not meet the current...
Tom Dack
3/25/21, 11:10 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Driven by the physics communities supported by UKRI-STFC (UK Research and Innovation Science and Technology Facilities Council) the eInfrastructure for Research and Innovation for STFC, or IRIS, is a collaboration of UKRI STFC, science activities and provider entities in the UK. Over the last few years the UK’s IRIS collaboration and IRIS 4x4 project (£16m as £4m p.a. for four years) has...
Jule A. Ziegler
(Leibniz Supercomputing Centre)
3/25/21, 11:30 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
In both higher Research and Education (R&E) as well as in research-/ e-infrastructures (in short: infrastructures), federated access and single sign-on by way of national federations (operated in most cases by NRENs) are used as a means to provide users access to a variety of services. Whereas in national federations institutional accounts (e.g. provided by an university) are typically used to...
Antonio Parodi
3/25/21, 1:00 PM
Luca Giommi
(INFN and University of Bologna)
3/25/21, 1:00 PM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
Machine Learning (ML) techniques in the High-Energy Physics (HEP) domain are ubiquitous and will play a significant role also in the upcoming High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade foreseen at CERN: a huge amount of data will be produced by LHC and collected by the experiments, facing challenges at the exascale. Despite ML models are successfully applied in many use-cases (online and offline...
Andy Bowery
(University of Oxford)
3/25/21, 1:30 PM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
climateprediction.net (CPDN) is a citizen science project that uses the paradigm of volunteer distributed computing via the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) software platform. This platform enables the computation of very large ensembles of climate simulations using the spare resources of the machines of volunteering members of the public. The CPDN project has been...
(CEA List)
3/25/21, 1:45 PM
Johannes K. Chiang
3/25/21, 2:00 PM
Oral Presentation
Since the advent of ICT, information and communication resources become the common wealth and the method dealing with the resource planning and sharing becomes the fundament of the ICT services. For the common wealth planning and sharing, I have carried out the paradigm of Organic Ecology, viz. HyQVIS (Hyper Quality and Value of ICT Systematics), which is inspired by the EU FP3-ESPRIT Project...
Stefano Dal Pra
3/25/21, 3:00 PM
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
We want to report about a successful integration exercise between CINECA (PRACE Tier-0) Marconi KNL system and LHC processing.
A production-level system has been deployed using a 30 Mhours grant from the 18th Call for PRACE Project Access; this has needed modifications at multiple levels: experiments' WMS layers, site level access policies and routing, virtualization.
The success of the...
Mirko Mariotti
(Department of Physics and Geology, University of Perugia)
3/25/21, 3:30 PM
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
The computing needs of LHC experiments in the next decades (the so-called High Luminosity LHC) are expected to increase substantially, due to the concurrent increases in the accelerator luminosity, in the selection rates and in the detectors' complexity. Many Funding Agencies are aiming to a consolidation of the national LHC computing infrastructures, via a merge with other large scale...
Stephan Hachinger
(Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Garching, Germany)
3/25/21, 4:00 PM
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
The LEXIS project (Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society, H2020 GA825532) provides a platform for optimized execution of Cloud-HPC workflows, reducing computation time and increasing energy efficiency. The system will rely on advanced, distributed orchestration solutions (Bull Ystia Orchestrator, based on TOSCA and Alien4Cloud technologies), the High-End Application Execution Middleware...
JN Liew
3/26/21, 9:00 AM
Masahiko Saito
(ICEPP, The University of Tokyo)
3/26/21, 9:00 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
After the Higgs boson discovery, the main interest in elementary particle physics is the discovery of beyond the Standard Model. LHC, which is the most energetic collider in the world, continues to be the leading experiment in the energy frontier. While LHC does not increase the center of mass energy beyond 14 TeV over a few decades, the amount of collision data will be significantly increased...
Hirotake Abe
(University of Tsukuba)
3/26/21, 9:00 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
Improving network performance is a key for grid computing system consisting of computational resources and data sources. There have been studies about network performance between them such as file transfer schedulers and network protocols. MPTCP is one of network protocols which has the potential to improve network performance. This protocol treats one TCP flow as one subflow and handle two or...
David Kelsey
3/26/21, 9:30 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
The use of IPv6 on the general internet continues to grow. Several Broadband/Mobile-phone companies, such as T-Mobile in the USA and BT/EE in the UK, now use IPv6-only networking with connectivity to the IPv4 legacy world enabled by the use of NAT64/DNS64/464XLAT. Large companies, such as Facebook, use IPv6-only networking within their internal networks, there being good management and...
Kihong Park
, Prof.
Kihyeon Cho
3/26/21, 9:30 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is well established with the discovery of Higgs boson which is the last particle to be discovered in SM. Since SM can not give a description of dark matter, dark matter is barely known and under research through various method. The importance of computational science, which comprises theory, experiment and simulation in science, have been emerging in...
Veerachai TANPIPAT,
3/26/21, 9:45 AM
Bruno Hoeft
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
3/26/21, 10:00 AM
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Oral Presentation
This talk explores the methods and results confirming the baseline assumption that LHCONE traffic is science traffic. The LHCONE (LHC Open Network Environment) is a network conceived to support globally distributed collaborative science. The LHCONE connects thousands of researchers to LHC data sets at hundreds of universities and labs performing analysis within the global collaboration. It is...
Elisabetta Ronchieri
3/26/21, 10:00 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence that extracts information from language. It has been applied to a wide range of fields [1], such as voice recognition, email categorization, social network analysis and others. In the field of software engineering, NLP has been adopted to extract key information from free-form text, to generate models from the analysis of...
Cruz Roel
3/26/21, 11:00 AM
Hiroshi Yoshida
(National Institute of Informatics)
3/26/21, 11:00 AM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
Currently major cloud providers provide cold storage services as a part of their public IaaS offerings, targeting users who need to store data with relatively low access frequency for long periods. The adoption of cold storage services should be considered in order to reduce the total cost of ownership and the labor of storage management of maintaining large amounts of scientific research data...
Takanori Hara
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
3/26/21, 11:00 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
The Belle II is the next-generation flavor factory experiment at the SuperKEKB accelerator in KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization), Tsukuba, Japan. The first physics run with the full Belle II detector started in 2019, then we are now increasing the luminosity gradually. We have already exceeded the highest world record of the luminosity, which was achieved by Belle, the...
Thanh Thi Nguyen
(Vietnam Institute of Meteorology Hydrology and Climate Change)
3/26/21, 11:20 AM
Michael Schuh
3/26/21, 11:30 AM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
DESY contributes computing and storage infrastructure to the EGI Federated Cloud that is used by Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) in European H2020 projects, working towards the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Building on this federated Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), DESY - as a research centre of the Helmholtz association - provides integrated...
David Southwick
3/26/21, 11:30 AM
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Oral Presentation
The HEP-SPEC06 (HS06) benchmarking suite has been used for over a decade in the accounting and procurement of WLCG resources. HS06 is stable, accurate and reproducible, but it is an old benchmark and it has become clear that its performance and that of typical HEP applications have started to diverge. After evaluating several alternatives for the replacement of HS06, the HEPIX benchmarking WG...
3/26/21, 11:40 AM
Federico Fornari
3/26/21, 12:00 PM
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Oral Presentation
Nowadays Kubernetes has become a powerful tool to deploy and manage containerized applications.
Modern datacenters need distributed filesystems to provide user applications with access to stored data on a large number of nodes.
The possibility to mount a distributed filesystem and exploit its native application programming interfaces in a Docker container,
combined with the advanced...
Myint Myint Sein
3/26/21, 12:00 PM
shogo matsui
(Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan)
3/26/21, 1:30 PM
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
In High Performance Computing (HPC) center that operates large-scale cluster system for providing computing resources for fee-paying users, it is important to reduce the power consumption. In order to save power of large-scale cluster system, the administrator of the HPC center stops a part of the computing nodes or changes them in a power-saving state with degradation of execution...
Dai Sato
(Tohoku University)
3/26/21, 1:30 PM
Viktoria Pauw
3/26/21, 1:50 PM
Tommaso Diotalevi
(University of Bologna and INFN)
3/26/21, 2:00 PM
Converging High Performance infrastructures: Supercomputers, clouds, accelerators
Oral Presentation
Machine and Deep Learning techniques experienced an explosion in the adoption of a variety of HEP applications, ranging from event selection in trigger operations to end-user physics data analysis, as well as computing metadata based optimisations.
The range of applicability of such techniques in the High Energy Physics (HEP) context – with a particular accent on the experiments at the Large...
Gergely Sipos
3/26/21, 2:15 PM
Marek Nowicki
(N. copernicus University)
, Prof.
Piotr Bała
(University of Warsaw)
3/26/21, 2:30 PM
Virtual Reserach Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, … etc.)
Oral Presentation
With the development of peta- and exascale size computational systems there is growing interest in running Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications on them.
Big Data and AI applications are implemented in Java, Scala, Python and other languages that are not widely used in High-Performance Computing (HPC) which is still dominated by C and Fortran. Moreover, they are based on...
Wolfgang Kurtz
3/26/21, 2:40 PM
3/26/21, 2:50 PM
Ilkay Altintas
(San Diego Supercomputer Center)
Oral Presentation
Wildland fires and related hazards are increasing globally. A common observation across these large events is that fire behavior is changing to be more destructive, making applied fire research more important and time-critical. Significant improvements towards modeling the extent and dynamics of the evolving plethora of fire-related environmental hazards and their socio-economic and human...